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Call her whatever you want, possessive, strict, wicked and haughty, the Queen lives through her children, they are an extension of her, even if she's not afforded power in her own name well enough, her children gives her access to power.

Vicariously living and breathing through them. Each child plays a role in her life and is also important to her dearly. From Arthur, to her only daughter Morgana and also her two sweet twins, Aemond and Aubrey, Cersei will do anything to keep her family together from falling apart, or fall into the hands of whores and vultures perching the iron throne.

Especially that whore in Uther's court who does nothing wrong but troubles her whenever they make eye contact. And she knows. Cersei knows a greedy soul when she sights one.

But all she Cersei does is smile back at Margaery Tyrell as decency dictates for a Queen to be at peace with her subjects.

However here she is in her daughter's chamber staring her with so much pride. Morgana reminds her of her younger self and that feeling is ethereal.




After a long pause, Morgana spoke.

"You don't have to keep staring at me unabashedly mother,"

"It is just a look of pride sweetling."

"I find it hard to believe, you know your looks are always uncomfortable, except you want something."Morgana's lips etched with a smile looking at her mother and back at the parchment paper, dipping her ink, she continues to write.

Cersei only inhales deeply. "Everyone says my looks makes makes them uncomfortable."

"Ofcourse it does. You are the Queen." Morgana reminds her.

"Whatever it may be, nothing bothers me other than the well being of my children.....and I'd like to say that you're becoming smart and studious these days, I visualize you on the seat of the King's Council" Cersei appraised, Morgana chuckles and continues writing.

"I wish your dream comes through." Morgana stared.

"Believe it or no. You're also an heiress to the iron throne Morgana, even if your brother will be King. Someday, you also will have a say in the affairs of the realm." Cersei assures her daughter. Morgana only shurgs, not saying a word. No woman has ever sat the iron throne, and breaking 300 years of tradition is delusional.




"I've been meaning to ask you something and I was hoping we might discuss, even if it means telling me the truth of it."

"What truth?" Morgana continues scribbling in the parchments book, not looking up at the Queen.

"About your..... friend in the Reach." Cersei inhales softly with a sigh, she slightly smiles, pretending to be nice but she's anxious to know the truth.

"The Reach?....... Are you asking me about Alicent or Margaery?" Morgana chuckles a little, Cersei only smirks even more. She wants answers.

"Well....Just one of them. I think the brown haired." Cersei enunciated but Morgana doesn't look up.

"I want to know if your brother is courting your little rose friend?" Cersei asked as the quail Morgana was using broke at the tip, causing the ink to spill a bit on the parchment she was writing.

"Well then, is Arthur having an affair with Margaery Tyrell? Or is there something I need to know." Cersei stared at Morgana.

Unexpectedly shocked at the least, Morgana slowly raised her head to meets the gaze of her mother who sat right in front of her, as she stared into the lioness eyes of emerald green. Meanwhile Cersei didn't flinch or wince, her emerald greens orbs pierced into Morgana's blue eyes waiting for an answer.

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