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In the confides of the Grand Maester's chamber, Daenerys paces back and forth raging at Prince Arthur's behavior. These days, the prince always gets on her nerves distastefully and she is getting angry at his remarks and attitude


"Stop it Daenerys."

"I don't like him, he too proud and full of himself."

"As he should be, he's the heir to the iron throne."

Daenerys scoffs, proceeding to the table. "Gods spare me. Heir to the usurper's throne, he hasn't been sworn yet. Who knows...he might never be the future king, moreso an heir for a day." She said with profanity as she flips through pages after pages. Gaius turns and stares at her disapprovingly.

"Do not let your emotions, overcrowd your jugement on the Pendragons. It is Uther who has begrudge your family, not Arthur." Gaius indicated as he continues to rummage the shelves.

"Does it matter, it runs in their blood, every last one of them! Every noble house fighting for a position at court, this one that wheel, the other one on the wheel. Striving with ambition to get more power. Paying allegiance to that fucking usurper cunt of a King and his entire family!" Daenerys lashes out.

"Daenerys! Have you lost your mind, might i remind you that walls have ears. " Gaius strictly cautions her, but she pays no hid.

"Uther is vile and wicked, and you know it Uncle Gaius. He shows no mercy, poses himself as a just King, priding himself with honour and gallantry when all he did was destroy two Houses, on the rights on his late wife, whom he killed on the cause of his own ambitions! What a hypocrite!" She exclaims.

"Daenerys Targaryen, that is enough!" Gaius calls her name, quietly gritting his teeth, avoiding the urge to scream at her, the girl's tongue could land her in big trouble. Treason at the very least.

"Even If it there was a plague, i wish it'd wipe out his entire House, all of them, especially that arrogant Prince, ugh!" Daenerys bangs her fist on the table.

"Just like his father, Arthur's a pompous brat. Mannerless, and egoistic, he lacks value, not to mention decency itself." She continues arguing.

"Hold your tongue Daenerys, that's not a way to address the Prince. You will land yourself in a big trouble and i won't be able to save you!" Gaius warned as he began to climb the ladder to reach for a book in his study.

Daenerys scoffs.

"Doesn't matter, he's just like his father, birds of the same feathers, except that he's a little cool headed and not temperamental. They're just like each other. Rebellious." She hissed.

"If you say so,.... Dare i remind you that, there's time for everything and right now you have nothing. You're in Kingsland disguising as an Arryn."

"I am Arryn by blood and also a Targaryen blood what difference does it make?." Daenerys questions him.

"Many different child. Tell me how will you survive if you continue to dwell on hatred and vengeance?"

"Vengeance is the only way to change things! With fire and blood everything will change." Daenerys argues but Gaius cuts her off.

"Nonsense, vengeance isn't the way my child. It'll just turn you to a monster without recognition. Instead of you to think of how to maintain your position at court, study how the kingdom runs, you're here venting unnecessary anger that won't cause you anything but pain and suffering!" Gaius snapped, before dismounting himself from the ladder and finally stood before his table, glaring at the white haired girl angrily.

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