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Arthur was seated in his chambers dinning, while Merlin served him breakfast. He was having creamy morsels of beef glistening in it's juices, bread grilled with cheese and wild honey, with beef stew by the side, and a finally a jar of red wine to digest it's sweetness.

His doors are opened and Daenerys walks in, as a guard shut the door behind her. Arthur furrowed his brows, surprised to see her, knowing fully well he didn't need her services today. He is healthy not sick.

He watched her approach his table with her hands folded behind her. 

"Your Highness." Daenerys bows, clearing her throat softly.

Arthur looks at her, chewing and swallowing his meal. "What brings the court physician to my chambers this morrow?" He took a sip from his gold cup.

Daenerys half smiles, looking over to cousin Merlin. "Would you mind bolting the door from the inside, I'd like to show his highness something." She tells Merlin, who looks at Arthur, the Prince nods as Merlin went over to the door and firmly locked it as she had instructed.

Once she heard the locks jammed, she placed the snake's head on the table, it's jaw wide open, it's fang out with it's red tongue falling out. Merlin returns and jerks at the sight of the green reptile.

Arthur eyes widened, until he arched a brow. He slowly raised his eyes to meet that of Daenerys gaze. "Why is there a snake on my table?"

"I chopped it off." Daenerys replied.

Arthur looks at her sceptically "You?...You chopped its head off?"

"Yes, and it's from Knight Valiant's shield, he's using magic to cheat and kill his opponent in the tournament. This snake came out of his shield, not only one, but there are two snakes left." Daenerys said.

For a moment, Arthur paused, his eyes darted down to the snake before moving back to look at Daenerys.

"Let me get this clear. What do you mean Valiant's shield has magic?" Arthur asked.

"Ewan was bitten by a snake from the shield when he was fighting Valiant. You can talk to Gaius, you can see the puncture wounds in Ewan's neck where the snake bit him. Ewan was beating him, he had to cheat." Daenerys explained, praying Arthur would believe her.

"Valiant wouldn't dare use magic in Kings Landing." Arthur defended, though he had heard some of his opponent passed away strangely, but it didn't cross his mind to find out the cause of their sudden deaths.

"Ewan was pinned under Valiant's shield. No one could see the snake bite him. No one saw him use magic" Daenerys stated trying to get him to believe her.

"She's right Sire." Merlin said as they avert their gaze to him.

"Do you know about him using magic?" Arthur asked his manservant.

"No Sire, but about the snake bites, i saw it at the royal infirmary, i saw some of his opponents die when my father was trying to save them, others paralysed but they didn't live till dawn." Merlin said as Arthur darts his eyes to the snake's head.

"I don't like the guy, but that doesn't mean he's cheating, magic is banned from the seven kingdoms, to be caught is treason and the penalty is death and Valiant he's....." Arthur said as he got up from his chair, and moves to stand behind behind it, resting his forearms on the top of his chair.

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