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Happy New Year 🎉 2023

THE BELLS in the seven towers at the Great Sept of Baelor tolled thrice a day and thrice at night, the echoes of grief flitted across the city in a bronze tide.

The rooster crowed, and words flitted like wings on an eagle, and everyone from the highest man in the kingdom to the lowest slave knew what had happened to the royal family

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The rooster crowed, and words flitted like wings on an eagle, and everyone from the highest man in the kingdom to the lowest slave knew what had happened to the royal family.

One thing all the stories agreed on: the death of Lady Yvonne of House Marbrand, wife of Ser Jaime Lannister, and the passing of baby James and Johnna, the golden Lannister twins.

The whole of King's Landing was flagarbasted at All three proclaimed dead at dawn. The Westerosi people grieved, mourned and life continued.

Whilst the Lannisters were planning the funeral, Cersei had already sent a raven to her father about the tragic news. Tywin Lannister was said to arrive at King's Landing in three nights, the Lord of Casterly Rock was deeply heartbroken at the deaths of his daughter in-law and grandchildren.

Meanwhile at Maegor's Holdfast, whilst the Pendragons and Lannisters were mourning their loss and comforting each other, Ser Otto relayed a message of urgency to Uther. The small council and the court members requested an audience with him at the Great Hall, a delicate matter needed his attention.

Uther kissed the fore head of Cersei and whispered words of comfort and love to her, he then pecks Morgana, hugs Eleanora, pats the shoulder of Jaime, nods at Tyrion before exiting the chamber with Arthur and his Hand.

Suddenly the doors opened and the King's Guard Ser Harrold Westerling announces the arrival of the King. "King Uther of House Pendragon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm."

Everyone's bows in obeisance as the King ascends the dias and takes his rightful place on the iron throne, with a stern look and that of grief.

"I received word that my presence is needed and i hope this matter is as delicate as you said it was." Uther shot his eyes to his Hand, his tone sounding very hard.

"Yes your Grace......" Lord Strong spoke as he takes a few steps, standing before the King. Uther looks to his direction, Lord Strong swallows and continues.

"Before i present this matter, Your Grace, on behalf of the small council and the entire court, please accept our condolences, we are deeply sorry for the passing of your sister in-law and her children, we sympathize with the royal family as much we grieve for Lady Yvonne Marbrand." Lord Strong said, Uther kept quiet for a moment.

"Thank you." He finally said as Lord Strong bows as followed thus by the courtiers, Ser Otto looks at him with a priceless face, rather unreadable. Arthur just stood taking a deep breath, controlling his emotions from tearing up.

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