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DORNE, porpularly known as Sunspear is one of the largest peninsula of King's Landing, southernmost part of Westeros, is one of the constituent regions of the seven kingdoms.

Dorne is surrounded with sand and scorpions, and bleak red mountains baking in the sun, and is the least populous of the seven Kingdoms, ruled by House Martell.

However in the midst of peace, evil walks amongst the mortals.

Despite Uther's decree against magic and sorcery, surely it will definitely live on, and thrive amongst the Westerosies and foreigners in the realms, especially at Dorne, the kingdom of Sunspear almost shares a border with Nine Free Cites and magic is bound to crossover.

The Western Isles was eerie, darkness evaded the sky, admits the inns, a merchant named Devlin practiced dark magic, his sorcery was secret, except those who needed a great favours from him, came to consult him.

And out of many came an evil knight; Valiant, a young man who turned 20 recently.

Valiant enters a shady shop and finds the who place wild with women, beer and sexual pleasures, his appearance spoke nothing but pride and greed.

His dark eyes darts left and right until he sighted Devlin, the merchant, Devlin, motions for him to come behind the counter.

"I understand you have a shield for me." Valient asks as the merchant smiles mischievously.

"Not to worry, with your swordcraft and this shield, I guarantee you'll win the tournament at Kings Landing, especially against Prince Arthur." Devlin said with so much guarantee.

Valient smirks, staring at the shield, it had three snakes as the insignia yet he was eager to see the secret behind the shield.

"Show me how it works." Valiant demands.

"Certainly." Devlin replies as he raises his hand, hovering around the shield.

"Tharanai im bis entra ofra honra stolle." He spoke in dark tongues as the three green snakes with red orbs on the shield comes to life slithering out of the shield.

Surprised, Valient is amazed.

"When you're competing in the tournament, you pin your opponent under the shield, a snake strikes. Your opponent will be paralyzed." Devlin said, handing him the shield.

"You mean to say they're under my command?" Valient asked.

"The snakes are now under your command. They'll do anything that you tell them to do." Devlin said laughing wickedly.


"Just say the word." Devlin said as they both laugh until Valient face fell into a frown.

"Kill him." Valient commands as Devlin face fell, he looks at Valient shocked and then to the snakes, immediately one of the snake darts out from the shield and strikes Devlin throat. Dead.

THE NEXT DAY, Valient, sailed from Sunspear to King's Landing, he gets to the port of White harbour, sites a stable of houses, he buys one and mounts the horse, riding for the gates.

He slows down his horse at the back entrance of the Arena of Aegon, seeing guards on gold cloaks, red cloaks, and white cloaks.

He gently dismounts himself from the horse, proceeds to join a queue of other knights in line, until his turn is meet with the steward on seat at a high table signing and stamping parchments.

Valient places his helmet and insignia of his house on the registration table.

"Knight Valiant of the Western Isles of Sunspear, Dorne. I'm here for the tournament." He tosses the steward his seal.

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