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"You're making the right decision, Your Grace." Maester Gaius appraised the King as they both stood in front of the window facing the west of Kings Landing.

"I have you to thank for that Grand Maester, the cost of war is grievous. I cannot bear to lose one man in my court nor can I bear to lose my family. When i received word of Arthur's departure, I became so afraid, scared he knew might not return." Uther ran his hands on the carved table, he looked over the Painted table as it was being cleaned by the servants.

The King can not afford to throw his kingdom into shambles. He once battled the Targaryen's, he'd never want to repeat history again.

"Nimueh surely won't rest, but we must be at alert at all times." Gaius offered.

"You're right, that sorceress will forever have my bones boil." Uther hissed. "I wish she could be haunted and killed."

Gaius only smirks. "Nimueh isn't a mere mortal to hunt down Your Grace. Remember she was once an adviser to Aegon the Conqueror, Maegor the cruel, even the mad king Areys Targaryen seeked her councils."

"Damm that witch." Uther spat distastefully.

"As long as she lives, the sound of her name, will forever hunt me, Nimueh continues to bring back hurtful memories. Memories I will never forgive myself from. I wish I never crossed paths with her!" Uther swore.


"Forgive me if I over step Your Grace, but before the time is right, maybe Arthur should be told who Nimueh truly is. Perhaps it's time he knows the ruth about Lady Ygraine and Princess Morgause." Gaius offered.

Immediately a dark feeling engulfed the King, his chest tightened, his blood ran cold yet it burned his heart, it was as if Maester Gaius had poured hot coals on his skin, but what could he do. He has committed sins, sins which held secrets and innocent blood.

Secrets that could ruin him and rip his family into shreds, if not cause his family to dance the Dance of Dragons.

The mentions of his late wife and daughter's name brought back old memories, opened un healed scars and unhealed wounds he hadn't recovered from.

Every man have their demons on a leash, but this one continues to hunt Uther Pendragon in silence, misery, debt, grief and guilt.

Aside from his twin sons Aemond and Aubrey, no one in the Seven Kingdoms knows the truth of Arthur's birth, except for Gaius Arryn.

Cersei's first son died at child birth the same day Ygraine birthed a son. Uther only told the Grand Maester to switch the babies, giving that Ygraine had died right after she gave birth to Arthur, their second child.

Since Morgause was his first seed, and heir, yet dead. On the other hand Princess Morgana might think she's her father's only daughter, but what she doesn't know is that there was one girl before her and another after her.

And then there's the King's Ward. Lady Elenora Arryn who's loved and cherished at court, the common folks of Westerosi admire the young maiden, they say she's lucky to have a golden spoon tossed at her cradle, but what they don't know is that Elenora is the half sibling of all Uther Pendragon's children.

This truth Elenora must never find out. Arthur, Morgana, even Cersei must never find out this secret. The King himself knows he has committed terrible sins in the past. But this particular sin of adultery and fornication could tear his family apart.

Yet Uther has vowed to take it to his grave consealled as well as Gaius who took an oat of secrecy twenty years ago at the death bed of Lady Ygraine De Bois

Usurper, thief, traitor, the vile King, the unjust King, one of many names they whispers in Westeros and beyond the narrow seas, but Uther couldn't care less.

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