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IT WAS EVENING, the Kingdom was already dark, almost four hours left until the hour of the owl. Daenerys Targaryen was already on a brink of death.

Maester Gaius was deeply worried as he patted her forehead with cold cloth. She didn't have much time and Prince Arthur was no where in sight and he wasn't sure whether or not if he had the Morteaus flower.

Already Merlin had found out the truth of Daenerys having Magic, yet he didn't questioned him. But Gaius made him swear not to reveal his cousin's nature to anyone and Merlin vowed to keep his promised.

Panicking, the doors of his chambers are gently opened and closed as Guinevere comes in with more milk of the poppy. "How is she Maester Gaius?"

"She hasn't got much longer. Has Arthur got the flower? Did you see him?" He asked as she drops the jar on the table beside Daenerys sickbed.

"I don't know. He arrived at the Red Keep at six on dot, unfortunately Ser Ryam Redwyne arrested him on the Queen's command." Guinevere narrates.

Gaius fisted and hissed, his blood boiled.

"King Uther won't allow anyone to see him. His cell is heavily guarded." Guinevere added.


"Is there nothing we can do to help?" Guinivere asked as she looked over to Daenerys face with worry etched all over her face. Her poor friend was pale and lean.

"Only the leaf of the Mortaeus flower can save her." Gaius said looking at the maid with concern. That flower is the only remedy he needs to make the antidote.

"And we have to find out if Arthur has it. I could sneak into the dungeon..." Guinevere offered a solution, and suddenly the doors of the chamber opened.

Petrified Gaius and Guinivere spins around, shock was clearly visible on their faces as to who would bash in without a knocking.

Nonetheless, striding into the chamber were two ladies and a knight trailing behind them armoured in his white cloak.

The two girls stormed in and their eyes landed on the dying Court physician.

"Princess Morgana." Maester Gaius stood up and bows in obeisance.

"Lady Margaery." He curtly nods.

Guinevere curtysied. "Princess...... My Lady" she greets, half smiles, yet surprised to her mistress here.

"What brings you two here?" Gaius demanded, looking in-between the Princess and the Lady skeptically.

"Doesn't matter, I can help you see Arthur." Morgana announced striding farther into chamber to the direction of the bed, for moment she scrutinized the Arryn girl's appearance, it is obvious she is withering away.

Slowly Morgana sat at the edge and took Daenerys hands into hers.

Margaery stood at her spot, unmoved, quietly observing the scene and stylishly darting her eyes around the boring chamber arrayed with books in shelves, antidotes here and there, nothing fancy but gaudy.

Morgana felt so bad for her Daenerys condition. "How is her impulse responding?"

Morgana asked touching Daenerys cheek and then ran her manicured nails over her soft white hair. The strands were so beautiful and shiny that thoughts crowded Morgana's head, that she couldn't bring herself to ask questions.

"Her body is slowly fading away. Her condition have worsened. I need the Morteaus flower to save her." Gaius announced.

Morgana just kept staring at Daenerys face, closely examining her hair, it looked different from her Uncle Gaius, his was pale but Daenerys hair was purely white. Morgana looked at her eyebrows closely, it was white.

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