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His cheek instantly became red.

The shock and anger in his eyes were visibly care, Cersei saw them, but she didn't care. His her son and she has the rights to call him to order.

After all some nuisance character would not be accepted by her, not even Uther who stood farther behind not uttering a single word, he was utterly mad, his ego bruised by his own son. His heir.

It has finally come to his notice that Arthur and Morgana are beginning to dare him, but only an iron fist will put them in place.

"How Dare You!" Cersei began, her chest rising and falling, Arthur could clearly see the rage dangling in her emerald orbs.

"What gave you the right to think you can leave the palace as you see fit, when your father specifically told you not to leave!"

"Is that why ordered my arrest?" Arthur replies, his tone slightly rude.

"You're lucky she got to you first before I could." Uther's voice hardened. 

Arthur shook his head.

"You disobeyed me.... Despite how I forbade you, You disobeyed my orders!" He snaps angrily.

"Of course I did, a woman's life was at stake! Do you expect me to sit back and watch her die?" Arthur questioned.

"So what if she dies?" Cersei said with impugnity.

Arthur arched a brow in disbelief.

"People die everyday, on different occasions, many strive to see the next day, many have to buy their way out of freedom to live, while some live without being questioned, others lay their lives for some, because it is their sworn duty!....."

"Well I do not believe in that!" Arthur tells her sharply. "Daenerys may have duties, but hers isn't dying for my cause."

Cersei scoffs. "That Court physician has a grip on you doesn't she?.... you've become so blinded by deeds, her life must be worth a thousand more than your own family."

"Oh please mother don't go there, you're overreacting."

"I like to overreact when I sense an usual chaos." Cersei looks at him brazen-faced.

Arthur scoffs. "I only did what I had to do, because I was compelled to do it. I will not sit by and watch Daenerys die"

"Very well then, she will die, and I will see to it that she does." Uther sternly states as Cersei quickly spins to look at him.

Arthur too. Both startled at his words.

"Uther.." Cersei began but Arthur cuts her off.

"Father!....You will not do that!" His fist tightened in the cuffs, his voice became calm as he spoke to the King.

"Oh yes I will, and you will learn never to disobey me ever again." Uther replies him and walks away, heading to the gate.

"Do not let Daenerys die because of something I did." Arthur pleads but his father ignores him.

Arthur spins around staring at his father's back. "You cannot kill her because she's faultless." Arthur said.

Uther swallows a bile in his dry throat, he turned to face his son. Eye to eye, man to man.

"Maybe after I order Ilyn Payne to rip her heart out, then you will be faultless. Maybe after I have her eyes gouged out. You will be held responsible for her death and learn to never disobey your King." Uther replies him as Arthur widened his eyes, giving his father that daring glare.

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