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GUINEVERE runs into the Grand Master's chambers with the Morteaus flower in her hands. She found Merlin sitting at the edge of Daenerys sick bed, tending to her. The young warlock just was perplexed, he kept dabbing the forehead of his cousin, trying to keep her warm.

"How is she?" Guinevere asked, catching her breath.

"Worse, nothing has changed." Merlin replies, worry was evident on his face.

"Have you got the Mortaeus flower?" Gaius demands as he came in sight holding an antidote in a vial.

"Here it is." Guinevere quickly handled the flower to the Grand Maester who gladly took it.

"Thank you... I'm sure you and the princess didn't get into any trouble" he enquires.

"Absolutely not,..... thanks to Princess Morgana anyways, she bribed the guards not say a word." Guinevere smiles, still trying to catching her breath.

"Gods be good."

Gaius immediately moved to his table, and put the antidote aside, he goes to one of his shelve and took a little mortal and pestle, placed them on the table and began grinding non-stop.

"Her breathing's much worse. We have to hurry." Merlin announced as his father quicken his haste, effortlessly preparing the antidote, after all he is an expert.

Guinevere sat down next to Daenerys's sickbed took her hands into hers and rubbed them gently, whilst Gaius continues crushing the flower leaf but suddenly he stopped.

"Why have you stopped Father?" Merlin asked, rushing to his father's side confused, he could see an unreadable gaze of despair on his face, unreadable. Guinevere looks back at the Grand Maester skeptical as well.

"The poison was created using magic. We may need magic to make an antidote." Gaius explained.

"But we can't! It's forbidden. Even if we could. We still can't! The King will have our heads!" Guinevere exclaimed. The suggestion was impossible as none of them practiced magic so nothing could be done.

Merlin's gaze was glued to his father whilst he kept grinding the flower, in the past he knew his father used to practice magic, even though Uther banned and killed anyone seen practicing it.

Merlin knew his father could still do magic. He knows him far too well and he knows Daenerys has magic as well.

"I'll try and make it work without it." Gaius said, although his anxious gaze stayed on Guinevere and Merlin. He watched them cautiously, but at the moment he caught his son's eye he understood.

"Oh....er..." Gaius turned to the maiden.

"I need some fresh water, can you please get me some porcupine leaves from the Royal Kitchen." Gaius told the girl in guise of sending her on the errand.

Immediately, Guinevere stood up from Daenerys side, grabbed the bowl the Maester offered, and ran off to go fetch what he asked for.

As soon as she left, Merlin rushed to shut the door behind Guinevere, he bolted and came back to his father.

"You don't have to pretend father, I know you practice magic too just like Daenerys even if you can't conjure up things with your mind." Merlin confronted him.

Gaius brow creased into confusion. "Merlin?How did you kn....."

"Use it." Merlin says bluntly.

"Merlin it's too dangerous......" Gaius whispered to his face.

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