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UTHER was enraged by Morgana's behavior towards him and the Princess wasn't satisfied either, but before she could react, immediately Cersei sauntered at her daughter side, dragging her by her arm as they began walking out of the Great Hall.

"Not another word from you Morgana let's go before you embrass yourself any further." Cersei taunts her.

"I haven't done anything wrong." Morgana whispered in a low tone rather rudely.

"Indeed you haven't, disregarding your father and pushing him to anger. I cannot believe you will act below your station and disgrace yourself!!! That is no way a Princess should address the King, no matter the condition." Cersei scolded her as they ascended the thresholds, the guards opened the doors and bowed.

"I spoke nothing but the truth. You know it Mother" Morgana argues.

Cersei scoffs. "The truth?"

"...where in the truth did you speak Morgana. Instead you only showed how uncultured, mannerless and savage you could be before the court and you forget that your father's word is the law, and he has spoken."

"Any man who passes the sentence must swing the sword. You spoke harshly, spewing gibberish, you even had the audacity to mention the Targaryens. You've made your father even mad and it's rather irritating to my ears to hear you speak any further, now come with me to your chambers." Cersei orders with fury.

Morgana tries to argue but Cersei snaps at her.

"Don't you dare defy me Morgana. You've gone out of hand and I'll make sure you realize your mistakes, but until then, Septa Mallow will start giving you intense teachings on how true Princess should behave. And at that, I'll put my eyes on you strictly, until then you'll be confined to your chambers" Cersei spat angrily, making Morgana bite her lip in regret.

Cersei dragged her out of the throne room with Ser Criston and The Mountain trailing behind them holding the hilt of their swords.

Later on Alicent and Margaery, along with the Small Council bows in obeisance and exit the throne room quietly not uttering a single word, the doors of the Great Hall closes behind them, leaving the King and Prince to chatter their cause alone in an awkward solitude.

MOMENTS LATER ARTHUR follows his father back to his quarters, along with the Ser Harrold who trailed behind the King and the Prince dutifully on guard.

They took the paths of the hallways of the Red Keep, ascending stairs, rounding corners, before entering the apartments in west wing of Maegor's Holdfast. Uther's face was still stone cold, his lips etched with a frown, he didn't utter a single word until he reached his chambers.

Upon his arrival, Commander of the King's Guard, signals the knights at the door post, and they immediately bow and open the door for the King and his son to enter, Ser Harrold stood in a halt at the entrance and bows out in obeisance, while the guards closed the door behind them.

Uther removes his crown, placing it on his table, annoyingly toss his red cape to a near by chair and took it upon himself to pour him and Arthur a glass of wine.

Arthur just stood there quietly observing his father's actions, after filling his cup, Uther hands him a glass, but before Arthur could drink, he quickly drained the first cup at a goal, and refilled his glass.

Watching his father drain two cups, Arthur hoped it quenched his anger but no, it didn't.

"You shouldn't drink too much father, it's still mid day." Arthur cautions his father, but Uther doesn't listen.

The King drains his third cup and sets the goblet on the table with a heavy thud, almost making Arthur choke on his wine.

"That girl is begining to anger my soul..... I can't believe she would dare question my judgement right before my court!" Uther grits angrily, as he sits on his inlaid chair, balling his fist.

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