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DAENERYS ENTERS THROUGH A RED GATE. Awed by the structure and colors as it was patrolled by guards on gold and red cloaks, she starts walking in circles, back and forth.

"Gods be good, this palace is immensely big." She thought to herself as she continued her tour in the Red Keep.

She couldn't help but admire massive curtain walls surrounding the castle, with nests and crenelations for archers.

Thick stone parapets, some four feet high, protect the outer edge of the wall ramparts. Daenearys couldn't help but cover her mouth as she noticed the hanging heads of traitors placed on iron spikes between the crenels at the gatehouse.

"Hideous,......arrgh." she spat, holding her belly from vomiting. She continued her tour and sited the walls that have great bronze gates and portcullises, with narrow postern doors nearby.

The castle also had great corner forts. The immense barbican has a cobbled square in front of it. Behind the walls are small inner yards, vaulted halls, covered bridges, barracks of the City Watch of King's Landing, dungeons, granaries, kennels, and stables.

If she continued her tour she'd sleep outside, for the day was getting dark anytime soon. Taking a turn to a nearby hallway, she stops to address a guard.

"I think I've lingered long enough." She mutters beneath her breath, before asking a guard on white cloak.

"Excuse me Ser, where can I find Gaius Arryn, the court physician, no i mean Grand Maester Gaius Arryn?" She asks as the guard looks at her from head to toe, scrutinizing her appearance and then he thrust his thumb, pointing the direction.

"Take your steps down the hallway of the Red Keep, turn left and go round the corner and enter Maegor's Holdfast, check for the apartments and quarters, you'd see his domain."

"Maegor's Holdfast?" Daenearys looks at the guard confused but he looks away. She turns to the direction described and finds her way into Maegor's Holdfast.

Daenerys widened her eyes at the massive square fortress inside the heart of the Red Keep in King's Landing. The Holdfast had behind walls twelve feet thick.

A dry moat lined with a bed of formidable iron spikes surrounds it, with a drawbridge spanning the moat.

A dry moat lined with a bed of formidable iron spikes surrounds it, with a drawbridge spanning the moat

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The only way in or out of Maegor's Holdfast was across a drawbridge. And Daenerys noticed few knights. It seems knights are usually, but not always, posted at its far end but anyway she walked further ascending the stairs and walks towards a near by corridor, until she sees a post sign, indicating the Grand Maester's quarters.

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