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DAENERYS swiftly carted in the dog statue back into the Red Keep and across the drawbridge, into Maegor's Holdfast. Daenerys struggles to push the wheelbarrow up the stairs, and manages to get it into Maester Gaius chambers panting and sweating profusely.

The sound of the door shut is heard by Gaius as he looks up to see a wheelbarrow wheeled in his chambers. Surprised he asked "What are you doing with that?"

"I'm going to let everyone see the snakes for themselves." Daenerys said as Gaius follows her with his eyes shaking his head at her weirdness.

As she got to the thresholds, Daenerys eyes glowed and she carefully carries and puts the statue in her chamber and then she crouched down to pull the magic book out from under a floor board and shuts the door.

Daenerys remembered when she studied the book of spells, she had come across a page of bringing things back to life, she can use the spell on Valiant's shield, then everyone will see it like she had.

Quickly, she searched through the books, flipping over till she found the spells she wanted. Getting up on her feet, she sat on her bed, she traced the words with her fingers and smiled.

"Bebay odothay. Bebay odothay arisan quickum." She whispered and repeated until she knew the words. Lowering the book Daenerys tries out the spell.

"Bebay odothay arisan quickum. Bebay odothay arisan quickum." Her eyes glowed gold and nothing happened.

"Bebay odothay. Bebay odothay arisan quickum." The statue didn't move, Daenerys tried over and over, but the statue showed no signs of living.

"Bebay odothay. Bebay odothay arisan quickum."

"Bebay odothay. Bebay odothay arisan quickum."

"Bebay odothay. Bebay odothay arisan quickum."

"Bebay odothay. Bebay odothay arisan quickum."

Exhausted, Daenerys threw herself on the bed, no matter what she did, nothing happened, she whispered, shouted, whispered on the dog's face and ears, gesturing her hands, stood far and near, adjacent, glaring at the statue saying the spell, but nothing seem to happen.

Standing up, she groaned, slapping the statue hard. "Fucking dog........ Ahhh." She screams, jerking away. She couldn't get the spell to work, it was frustrating and useless. Tired, she fell back at on her bed and slept off muttering. "Bebay odothay. Bebay odothay arisan quickum."

Prince Arthur had been silent, all morning, as did the whole of King's Landing. Everyone was tensed as they held their breath to see who would win today's tournament. He had gotten any sorrowful looks and stares from the nobles and servants. It was clear everyone was talking and gossiping about him, they all think he's going to die in his fight against Valiant.

Today is also his name day, he turned twenty. Finally a man.

Cersei had send her brother to persuade him, Uncle Jaime, had come to tell him to withdraw from the tournament, stating his mother had quarrelled his father bitterly this morning, but the King insisted on him fulfilling his duty else their houses will be disgraced, yet still Arthur refused to yield.

However he didn't care, if he dies, he dies. Atleast he dies for honor and courage and most all for love.

The bells in the seven towers of the Great Sept of Baelor had tolled, Arthur stood in his tent with his serving boy. Merlin helps him with his armour, but then he somehow misses Daenerys, he had spent nights practicing and his wrist hurts a little, but his physician wasn't here to treat him. She must be on a ship leaving King's Landing by now. He thought, filled with regret and guilty.

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