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"Your Grace, I understand the tournament champion has the honour of escorting the Princess to the feast." Valiant turns to the King.

Uther nods.

"That's correct." Cersei said with a smile.

"Then I will give everything to win the tournament." Valiant states kissing Morgana's hand again, before letting it go, Morgana smiles and nods to him.

"Princess." He nods back.

"Your Grace." He nods at the King and Queen.

"Lord Hand." He nods at Otto and walks over to shake hands with other knights. Valiant sights the White Knight Ser Criston Cole. Both Dornish knights nods in greeting.

Daenerys and Guinevere watch Valiant from afar. Cersei glance at Aemond with an evil glare as Arthur steps forward.

Arthur bows to his father.

"Arthur." Uther said as Cersei looks at her son.

"Father". He said looking over to his mother.

"Mother" he bows, looking over to his siblings and Eleanora with a smile and then to Otto with a nod and then he looks over at Valiant then averts his gaze to Morgana's side.

"They all seem rather impressed by Knight Valiant brother. He fought so well, everyone is talking about him" Aemond excitedly said as Arthur arched a brow.

"Are you impressed by him? You might ask him to be your trainer." Arthur deadpans his younger brother with a glare, Aemond shuts up.

"I'm not impressed by him, i believe you're the best fighter and I support you with my gold dragons brother." Aubery smiles as Arthur ruffles his hair.

"You made me very proud out there Arthur. You fought bravely." Cersei said as Arthur pecks her cheek and then her hands.

"I'm glad I did." Arthur said as Cersei kiss his forehead and then Morgana gently takes her brother's arms and walks away from their family's stand whilst they continue to greet the rest knights.

"I must admit, Valiant was quite skilled out there today dear brother." Morgana said as Arthur looks at Valiant once again and back at Morgana.

"Indeed he is an agressive fighter, but not the only one. Although I must i say he's quite taken by you. Princess Morgana of House Pendragon, the Realm's delight." Arthur halts.

Morgana smirks.

"You're not jealous are you? Prince Arthur of House Pendragon?" Morgana retorts.

Arthur shrugs "I don't see there's anything to be jealous of sister. You're a woman. You're not a knight." He bluntly said, before walking on, leaving Morgana there, alone.

Morgana's smile fades, she felt like running after him to punch his groin yet she takes a deep breath and walks farthest away from the iron throne.

Nobles paid her obeisance while she nods with a fake smile. The princess sighted Alicent and proceeded to meet her as they held hands.

"How's your brother?"

"He's doing well Princess, the maesters say he'll recover quickly thank you." Alicent said with gratitude.

"Dare i ask why you walked away from your brother like that? It seem you two had a quick misunderstanding as usual." Alicent chuckles, yet asked with curiosity.

Morgana sighs.

"Could Arthur be any more annoying? I so hope Knight Valiant wins the tournament. I'd like the proud smug of his face ripped off." Morgana said in a low voice.

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