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GAIUS AND DAENERYS came striding into the council chamber, ascending the thresholds. His assistant Maester Pycelle was already seated, he had wispy strands of white hair fringed the broad bald dome of his forehead above a kindly face and his grand white collar adorned with metal choker, but not as grand Maester Gaius.

The Grand Maester collar was no simple metal choker such as Pycelle wore, but two dozen heavy chains wound together into a ponderous metal necklace that covered him from throat to breast.

The links were forged of every metal known to man: black iron and red gold, bright copper and dull lead, steel and tin and pale silver, brass and bronze and platinum.

Garnets and amethysts and black pearls adorned the metal-work, and here and there an emerald or ruby.

"Your Grace.... My Lords... My Queen." Maester Gaius greeted with a bow and sits opposite the King, while Daenerys stood three inches behind, she looked rather startled standing in the Council Chamber, her heart swelled as her eyes darts left and right, looking at ambiance.

The chamber was richly furnished. Myrish carpets covered the floor instead of rushes, and in one corner a hundred fabulous beasts cavorted in bright paints on a carved screen from the Summer Isles.

The walls were hung with tapestries from Norvos and Qohor and Lys, and a pair of Valyrian sphinxes and Pendragon tapestries flanked the door, eyes of polished garnet smoldering in black marble faces.

Viserys made mention of council chamber, her father had once told her when his father, her grandsire, King Aerys proclaimed him heir to the iron throne, he began to sit in council meetings, and not only was the council chamber a private room, it was a cellar of their forefathers, dating from Aegon the conqueror, and the king's after him, in this very room they drafted, legislated, and executed the laws and order of the seven kingdoms.

The King sat at the head of the table, the sigil of the Pendragon embroidered in gold thread on its pillows as well as the rest seats. Daenerys swallowed hard, seeing Uther Pendragon on the high seat made her blood boil.

That ascentral seat belonged to the Targaryen, her birthright, Uther dodn't deserve that seat, he's nothing more than a usurper, a thief, a greedy soul full of envy and ambition.

Daenerys wish a day will come when he will no longer sit in that position.

Stylishly darting her orbs, Daenerys meets the gaze of Arthur as they stare at each other without question.

Arthur swore, there was something mysterious about this girl he couldn't point out, she's impenetrable and unreadable, sometimes he wondered what was on her mind and why she came to King's Landing to work instead of stay back from whereever she came from and marry some lordling and mother children.

"I believe you have news Grand Maester?" Uther began, gently tapping his hand on his chair, eagerly waiting for Gaius to speak.

"Yes Your Grace and my apprentice and i have discovered that the disease is certainly a fast paced one." Gaius said as they laid eyes on Daenerys and back to him.

"Once the disease is contacted, not less than few hours the victim's start to develop raised veins." Gaius explains and Pycelle continues.

"And your Grace, the disease can also cause seizures of blood going through the vessels in the body, the victims claw their throats as life exhales their bodies." He added.

The council members inhales deeply.

"Do you have a cure to this disease Maester Gaius?" The Hand, Otto Hightower asked, curiously waiting to hear his answer.

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