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MID-DAY. It was hot outside the caves, but Arthur follows Cara, since she knew the road. With the torch, showing the way, Prince Arthur followed Cara (Nimueh) into the caves of Balor, obviously she knew where she was leading him to. Arthur couldn't care less how she knew the path, all he wanted was the Morteaus flower to save Daenerys life.

"There they are." Cara (Nimueh) said as they stood in a cellar, across she pointed towards the wall with her torch, Arthur looked at the direction she pointed in at, the wall was bearing yellow and white flowers.

There it was, blooming in the caves, however opposite the wall held the answers to Arthur's dilemma; the flower was sprouted in thousands, growing beautifully on the wall. The flowers were across a large gap with a narrow ledge and long drop.

Arthur carefully scanned the area and visibly gulped, he moved closer to the slim bridge that connected the wall to the entrance of the cellar, as he took one foot forward, little stones and sand fell from the edge, landing deep in hallow the abyss, that one could hardly hear the sound from below. One false step mistakenly and he is dead.

"Keep back from the edge." Arthur instructed, before he gently made his way towards the bridge, heading for the wall where the flowers are sprouted.

"Don't worry. We'll be out of here soon." He turns to Cara, she nods. Immediately turned his back against her, Cara smirked as she watched Arthur proceeding through the bridge, towards the wall.

By the time he was half way across, Cara (Nimueh) slowly began to speak in ancient tongues of the Old Religion. "Eorthe, lyft, fyr, waeter, hiersumie me." She began.

Immediately the cave begins to shake. The earth beneath Arthur's feet began to crumble away in peril. However Arthur didn't notice as he continues to walk through the bridge.

"Eorthe ac stanas hiersumie me. Ic can stanas tobrytan..." Cara shouted loudly. Arthur turned to her in horror. How could he not know, she was a sorceress! He looked innocent moments go, how come he didn't suspect her!

"What are you doing Cara?!" Arthur shouted.

"Hisser...hiersumie me." She continuey, ignoring the Prince totally and suddenly the bridge broke away. Arthur drops his torch as the rock falls out beneath him. Fortunately, he jumps for the opposite ledge and catches it with his hand.

Fear gripped him, he grasped to the ledge of the wall, stopping him from falling. He grunted at the pain that emitted waves up to the arms. He is panicking.

Cara laughed at Arthur's actions in disbelief, he seemed tougher then he looked.

"I expected so much more you know." Cara began she watched the prince cling to the ledge for his dear life. She deep throated and laughed even harder.

"How could you be so so cruel after I saved your life Cara!!!" Arthur shouted, holding the ledge, sweating profusely with fear and rage.

"Save me." Cara scoffed. "I was only targeting Daenerys, that stupid Court physician don't know when to mind her business. She got what was coming for her, Lord Bayard was just a simpleton. A prey."

"How Dare You!" Arthur shouted, grunting as he held the ledge, trying to balance himself from falling.

"I never would've thought the Heir to the Iron throne, would risk his head for a foreigner. Pity... but here we are alas and I like it Arthur Pendragon. I like your courage, but it won't last. No one is going to save you from your peril." Cara laughed as her voice echoed throughout the Caves of Balor. Triumphantly.

"Who are you Cara?! How do you know my name?" Arthur shouted.

"My name is not Cara you fool, my name is Nimueh, you should ask your father who I am. Seems to me you have a lot to learn from your Father. He has so much hiding from you. Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk such a shame to think he's a just man when clearly he's nothing but a treacherous murderer with innocent blood on his hands!!!" Nimueh snapped as her eyes glowed, the walls beneath Arthur was trembling.

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