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Happy Easter Westerosies ❤️🥂😘🙏.


Daenerys voice radiated around the cave in echoes thus no one could see her nor hear her, due to blockage she made magically conjured in her mind, sealing the outermost layer of the Dragonspit.

Gently, she move past the caves of other dragons were they had been chained. The beasts shrieked at her, their nose oozed smoke whilst she walked past with a touch in her hand, un-flinched.

After rounding corners, she got to be largest cave were Kilgharrah was held captive and found him nowhere but absent.



"Heeeloooo!...... Are you there?"

"Hello!" Kilgharrah answered richly, as the chains rattled heavily, whilst she flew down landing on a rock.

"The great witch returns, as I knew she would." Kilgharrah said, her eyes glowing red like jewels from the pit of hell itself.

Both orbs of purple and red stare at each other in silence until Daenerys clears her throat. She held out the torch to see Kilgharrah more clearly, even though there were reflections of lights grilling through the rocks inside the Dragonspit.

"What is it you want Daenerys Targaryen?" Kilgharrah questioned.

"I need to know how to defeat an Afanc." She began, holding the torch whilst she sweat from it's heat.

"Yes, I suppose you should no what to do."

"No!" She swallows. "That's why i've come to you........Will you help me?" She asked helplessly.

Kilgharrah looks at her contemplating, after a moment of awkward silence she replies. "Trust the elements that are at your command young witch."

"Elements?......But what is it I have to do?"

"You cannot do this alone. You are but one side of a coin. Arthur is the other." Kilgharrah continues cryptically.

She rolls her eyes with a scoffs. "The Prince?.... I, I don't understand. Just tell me what it is I have to do, please Kilgharrah, i don't have much time, my friend is going to be executed on the morrow, i have to save her. She's innocent." Daenerys begged the dragon, portraying desperation lingering on her tone.

Kilgharrah looked on with pity, though she would admit Daenerys had a good heart, very rare, something only few of House Targaryen descendants possessed.

"Arthur is the bright side of the coin and you are the other brighter side, even more illuminating. I told the last time that you're inseprable from each other. You two are destined to unite the realm. Arthur is the Prince that was promised" Kilgharrah says as Daenerys froze, wide eyed.

"The P-prince that was p-promised?" She stuttered.

"Those words are from Aegon dreams?.... You know about it?" Shock engraved on Daenerys face, fear gripped her.

"Yes i do!.... Even the dream of Lady Daneys who foresaw the doom of Old Valryia." Kilgharrah countered, his eyes gleaming at the reflection of the torch as the fire wildly flickered in her red orbs.

"If you know about it, why didn't you tell me?"

Kilgharrah sneered, a small faint smile crept on her face as she stared at the Targaryen before her.

"Somethings don't reveal themselves to you, until your heart is readily open to receive them." The dragon replied as Daenerys held the torch with a tight grip, almost digging in her nails.

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