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The taste of vengeance can cause any man to go any limits, and that is the only way to quench Nimueh's thirst.

In a rocky cave down beneath the castle of Driftmark, a water basin with magical water stood erect in the middle, a wave of the High Priestess's hand over the surface revealed the image of Daenerys Targaryen.

In a rocky cave down beneath the castle of Driftmark, a water basin with magical water stood erect in the middle, a wave of the High Priestess's hand over the surface revealed the image of Daenerys Targaryen

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"Oryw berbay odothay rumyn arisan yeldo molhas." Nimueh began speaking in strange old tongues as she proceeds to the pool dropping a flower petal into the water and continues to chants a spell, while holding a chalice.

After casting the spell, she watches Daenerys in the water with disdain glistening in her eyes and then plucks out a petal from the flower, the petal already lost it's color and is now transparent.

Nimueh smirks wickedly and puts it in the silver goblet, her eyes immediately glowed golden and the chalice is now enchanted with dark magic. Unbreakable and deadly.

THE DAY already began in Kingslanding as the bells of Great Sept of Baelor tolled the third time, the birds cawed in the sky, the streets busted with Westerosi's moving here and there to their daily activities as they seem fit for their livelihoods.

The weather was decently fresh and beautiful, the scent was quite pleasing, just as Uther Pendragon's reign as King continues to be peaceful, yet unsubdued.

In the Great Hall of the Red Keep, through the high narrow windows of the Red Keep's cavernous throne room, the light of day spilled across the floor brightly against the red stripes upon the walls where the heads of golden dragons were hung.

Now the stone pillars was covered with tapestries, vivid with greens and browns and purples, blues, and gold, yet still it seemed to Daenerys Targaryen, was that the only color in the hall was the red of blood: the sigil of House Pendragon.

The servants stood at the farthest end in the room on either side. all clustered near the tall doors, the mailed guards and knights in their cloaks, white, gold and red: all stood, flanked on either side of the throne room, forming clicks.

The pagaentry of the court, was elite. High lords, earls, lord paramounts, lord vassals and ladies stood beneath the tapestries, well presented in their velvets and silks and gemstones of essence clothings, with Daenerys amongst them dressed in her black gown with an embroidery of red and gold, her white locks properly weaved neatly.

Other noblilities stood in the gallery, richly dressed in their finest quintessence of tunics, robes and gowns.

Two white cloaks stood behind the iron throne on either side, another two stood at the tall doors, and Ser Barristan Selmy, and Ser Harrold Westerling stood on either side in front of the dias.

Prince Arthur and Princess Morgana, their twin brothers Aubrey and Aemond are standing to the right side, opposite of the iron throne, along with their father's ward, Lady Elenora, with their uncle Tyrion and Jamie Lannister, the Kingslayer.

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