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THE NEXT DAY, in the evening, the banquet began at the Great Hall, through the high narrow windows of the Red Keep's Ceremonial Hall, the moon spilled it's vibrant light across the floor brightly against the red stripes upon the walls where the heads of golden dragons were hung.

The chandeliers were hung with big candles, in a straight line as they lit and illuminated the Hall against the glass, sparkling across every ambiance of the walls.

The gallery was also illuminated with the chandeliers that hanged from the ceiling ten inclines away from each other.

Some stone pillars was strewn with lots of flowers and other pillars was covered vivid with gold and red and purples, white, and blue, yet the only color that was vividly significant in the hall was the red of blood: the sigil of House Pendragon.

The servants were bustling in and out of the Hall, placing more food and wine at the banquet stand, farthest end in the room on either side, while some filled cups with wine, others served tables with the finest foods in Westeros.

Also in the background was the royal musers and the instrumentalist, in a low tune, they played a soothing music that suited the atmosphere.

Clustered near the tall doors, were the mailed guards and knights in their cloaks; white, gold and red: all stood, flanked on either side of the Hall, stationed to their post of duty, while Ser Harrold Westerling stood at the entrance announcing the arrival of the noble houses as they entered the Great Hall.

The pagaentry of the court, was elite, high lords, earls, lord paramounts, lord vassals, nobilities and ladies stood beneath the tapestries, well dressed in their rich velvets, tunics, robes, dresses and silks and gemstones of essence clothings.

The King's Ward, Lady Elenora was somewhere in the banquet Hall with her best friend Jeyne Baratheon, both of them couldn't stop talking about the latest gossips laundering at the corner of every House in Westeros and also admiring every handsome bachelor who caught their eyes.

Aubrey and Aemmond Pendragon are running after each other, having the best time of their life, doing tricks but their mother wasn't having any of it, Uther calms Cersei down to allow them have fun. Boys will be boys.

Seated in the decked hall, the Queen beckons one of her ladies in waiting, asking of the whereabouts of her children, and the maid dutiful points to Arthur's direction, relaying Morgana hadn't arrived just yet.

Cersei nods and waves her away. She sees her son is busy talking and laughing with Loras and Margaery Tyrell, gods be good, Cersei breaths deeply, swallowing hard.

She didn't like the way Margaery was closely clawing her way into Arthur's life like an opportunist.

Clearly, if none can see through this girls schemes, then what happens when she becomes her future daughter in-law.

"....Gods forbid it." Cersei thought to herself.

So far as she lives, such horror will not exist in her home, not like she's gullible or something, it is pretty obvious Arthur likes this High Garden wench, but she doesn't feel good about it. Could this girl have enchanted her son?

Disapprovingly staring at Arthur and Margaery, Uther brushes her cheek taking her back off guard. She turns to look at him as he gave her a seductive glare, causing her to smirk and roll her sexy eyes.

"A King shouldn't flirt before his courtiers." Cersei cautions him as she takes a sip of her wine.

Uther laughs wholeheartedly. He brushed her cheek again as Cersei began to blush, he continues to brush her cheek, until he pecks her.

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