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Note: This book was formerly "Queen of Westeros." But now it is "Heirs To The Throne" I hope you like the new title.❣️

Slowly sipping her wine, the Queen frowns distastefully, from her balcony watching Arthur race out into the Square and out of the Red Keep's gate on the back on his horse.

"Dear me........" She shakes her head, rolls her eyes with a hiss, and continues to sip her wine unbothered, draining whatever vile words she was going to say while watching the guards chase after her stubborn son.

Arthur isn't going to give her a migraine this morning and certainly not Uther, not Morgana, not the twins, not anybody else.

But as his mother, Cersei has never seen her son act out of character, not to mention act below his station, yet it seemed to Cersei that she is beginning to dislike this new side of him.

Since last year Arthur's attitude has slightly changed, there's been some subtle changes in her son's behavior, if her Lord husband hadn't noticed this as well, then it seems something is definitely going on under their nose.

First there's Margaery Tyrell to deal with, ever since her father was given the title, Master of Ships, his daughter now frequented the Red Keep, styled as part of the comely ladies in the King's court. What a misery.

And now it's Lady Daenerys Arryn. Cersei is unhappy her son disobeyed his father to save that mere girl's life, yet it gave her a good relief that her son has a heart of gold, unlike cold stone Uther. It's crystal clear Arthur will make a fine King one day.

He has always had a good heart, despite his father's corrupted teachings against magic and sorcery, it seemed Arthur is beginning to form his own paths and beliefs yet he needs to understand somethings don't require any remedy or solution, you just have to turn a blind eye and allow life take it's course

Putting his life inline for a mere court physician is unacceptable and frankly dangerous, she thought as her face slowly crept into a sad smile while the Bells of the Sept continues to toll nonstop.

It's of no use, her son was already gone out of Kings Landing and into the Kingswood. The only thing she could do now is pray the Seven protects him from any harm he encounters on his way and bring him back to her bossom to face his punishment.

IT WAS NOW MID-DAY, in the Grand Maester's Chambers, Daenerys was no better. Guinivere and Merlin had taken turns looking after her through the night, whilst Maester Gaius continues to give her medicine but she isn't getting any better.

There was nothing Gaius could do now but pray the Sevens help Arthur retrieve the mortaeus flower to help save Daenerys life, the old man cannot afford to lose his niece, Viserys and Aemma won't take the news lightly, nor would he.

"She's getting hotter." Guinivere said worriedly dabbing Daenerys forehead with a wet cloth to cool her temperature.

"Hmmm. Liffrea, wuldres wealdend, woroldare forgeaf." Daenerys muttered, her voice strained. Guinivere and Merlin look at each other strangely confused, they had no idea what she was saying and yet Daenerys repeated those words again.

"Liffrea, wuldres wealdend, woroldare forgeaf." She mutters again and this time Gaius hears this and stands up quickly and dashed to her side.

"Do you understand she's saying?" Guinevere asked her cousin Merlin, who shurgs.

"What language is that?" Guinivere queried. But Gaius speaks up, taking over to situation.

"None my dear, it's nothing of any sort." Gaius lied, he knew what she was saying in that Valyrian tongue yet he denied.

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