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Back at Grand Maester's chambers, Daenerys returns back famished, she sits to eat, although she looks tired. She looks around to find Merlin absent.

"Where's Merlin?" She asked Gaius.

"In his bedchamber, his body is aching him, he needs to rest." Gauis said as Daenerys looks at him feeling guilty and apologies.

"I'm sorry for happened Uncle, I was so clumsy and...." Daenerys snorts and Gaius stops her. "It's okay, we all make mistakes." He assures her, bringing food to the table.

"I guess you must be coming from a meeting." Daenerys said pointing at his rich cloak.

"I was at the Small Council meeting with the King." Gaius said as Daenerys face brightens.

"Incredible. A seat at the King's table is very honourable"

"Indeed it is." Gaius sighed.

"Being a Grand Maester of King's Landing must be a big  station to fill at the King's table." Daenearys said as Gaius chuckles.

"Very much Indeed it is. Let's eat." He says gesturing her to table as they serve themselves.

"Your mother and father asked me to look after you." Gauis said as the food paused on Daenerys throat like a lump, she felt a pang of regret, she misses her mother and father, so much.

"Yes.... They felt the safest place to stay is with you." Daenerys said awkwardly as silence sets in, she gulped her food down her dried throat.

"Your father is a good man, highly remarkable, i miss having him here at the Red Keep, always eager to find out about histories, art and sciences." Gaius said truthfully as Daenerys looks at him surprised.

"My father lived in the Red Keep?" She asked but Gaius dodges the question.

"Tell me what did your mother say to you about your gifts?" Gaius ask Daenerys. He needed to question her for answers, leaving no stone unturned.

"She said that I am special. And my father says I'm different." Daenerys answered.

"Although I'm surprised to be the only one with magic in my family." Daenerys said, looking rather troubled.

"That is why you are special. The likes of which I have never seen before." Gaius said.

Daenerys frowned. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well, magic requires incantations, spells. It takes years to study. What I saw you do was.... elemental, instinctive. It has to mastered carefully." Gaius says with sincerity. Daenerys was beginning to enjoy the conversation.

"Uncle Gaius?, I could move things with my mind, without speaking, even control the four elements. What's the point if it can't be used?"

"That I do not know. You are a question that has never been posed before, Daenerys." Gauis said, half smiled, the fact that she wakes up every morning and do magic, makes her more scared if she'll ever survive, hate to care to admit, she's afraid of herself.

"But Uncle Gauis, did you ever study magic?"

"Uther banned all such works and practices twenty years ago during The Purge. He wiped out an entire clan too during The Sacking." He replied, Daenerys bleached at his response, why will the King ban such unique power from the seven kingdoms .

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