Chapter 39

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Double update <3 I will try to get this story finished soon!


It has been five days. Five days with crying, walking around in circles and staring out of a window for Jimin. He has not had the energy to do anything, only talk with his grandmother a few times, but aside from that he has only been depressed. I seems that Jungkook and Taehyung have been reaching out to Hoseok because Jimin is clearly ignoring them... they seem overly worried, but Jimin doesn't care. He's too mad to care... or maybe it's sadness, he doesn't know anymore.

That's why Hoseok is currently sitting before him, trying to force some logic into the younger's head.

"Please Jimin, you know fully well that this isn't healthy for you. Why don't you just go talk with them?" Hoseok asks for like the third time because Jimin keeps missing what he's saying. 

"I can't."

"Why not?" 

"You would never understand," Jimin spits. How could he ever explain what he has heard? Taehyung's reaction when he mentioned his grandparents, his grandmother's words about his mother and most of all that bastard in jail. It's just all too much at once.

"Just at least try Jimin, your parents are worried about you. You can't keep ignoring them," Hoseok stresses. Jungkook has texted him several time every day in order to keep himself updated on how Jimin is holding up. Hoseok can almost feel the frustration they are going through simply from those texts.

They have not visited Hoseok apartment because they know that's not what Jimin wants, so they are just going to wait for him to come back. 

"It will just cause another fight..." Jimin sighs and closes his eyes for a second. There's a arching headache in the back of his skull, making it harder for him to think rationally. On one side, he wants to stay here forever and just forget that he has a family. On the other side, he knows he will only truly find peace in his heart if he gets all of this solved out with his fathers. Even if it will mean their family will be broken, it's probably worth the risk.

After a few more minutes of himself debating inside his head, he slowly nods and agrees to Hoseok's offer of taking him there. Jimin's only assurance is that he now has Hoseok, he can always rely on him. That's what he needs right now. 

"Come on," Hoseok stands up while holding Jimin's hand, dragging him up with him. He takes them to the entrance where he grabs Jimin's jacket and scarf and starts dressing him. It's like Jimin has turned into a helpless child, now his mood is even worse because he knows where he's going now.

"Cheer up, okay? I know this is what you want too," Hoseok says when they are both fully dressed in their outdoor clothing. The elder cups Jimin's face and gently kisses his forehead, this leads Jimin to take a deep breath and close his eyes. If everything goes wrong, he can always go here.

"Yeah..." he mumbles and they pull back, their hands finding each other to intertwine. In silence, they leave the apartment, heading towards Jimin's home.


"Can't you come?" Jimin asks desperately as they stand outside his familiar house, currently deciding if Hoseok should walk in there with him or not. Jimin wants him to come, but Hoseok keeps declining.

"No Jimin, this isn't my fight. I will only make it uncomfortable for your parents," the elder states and Jimin huffs in annoyance. This is not helping on his mood at all, but he does understand where Hoseok is coming from. Whatever is going to happen behind that door probably won't be pretty, it's best to safe Hoseok from that.

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now