Chapter 6

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"But it's all the big names, it's like really important!"

"I don't care Jungkook! You are going to that baptism or else you can stay home and stare into a wall," Taehyung fires back and puts some plates in the sink a little more rough than intended.

"Why can you understand where I'm going with this?" Jungkook runs his hands through his hair. He wanted to stop this discussion yesterday, but his right-hand just reminded him how important this trip is.

"Because we have struggled enough in this family because of your work. You could literually quit and we would still have enough money to pay for Jimin's grand children's pension," Taehyung sighs dramatically.

"Don't sound greedy now, work means a lot to me and-"

"More than me too?" Taehyung questions and folds his arms over his chest. He knows it's a soft spot in their relationship, but he can't help but go out on thin ice.

"You-" Jungkook presses his temples with his fingers, "you always use that against me! Why won't you just listen to me for once?"

"Why won't you listen to me?"

"Because I know more about this than you do, and you know that!" Jungkook sighs, Taehyung couldn't possibly understand what work means for Jungkook. It's his way to show he won over his parents by literally throwing them out of his company.

"Don't talk to me like I'm stupid! Just--ugh," Taehyung lets go of the things in his hands and walks out of the kitchen.

Jungkook shakes his head and goes in the other direction. He can might as well go to the fitness center now, he doesn't want to deal with this tension right now.

"I'm going out!" he yells up the stairs, knowing Taehyung is probably mad in their bedroom.

"Stay out!" he hears the other yell back and he sighs at that. He hates being in an argument with Taehyung, but why can't he just understand how important it is for Jungkook to go for the weekend?

He groans as he walks outside, staying out for the most of the day.


It's evening and Jimin has just arrived home after another unsuccessful day of getting into Hoseok's pants.

Okay, that made him sound like a slut but holy christ he can't take it much longer.

He's going to force it out of Hoseok if needed.

He sits by the table inside the kitchen, considering that Taehyung is currently making dinner. But more... aggressively than normally?

"Dad, are you-"

"I'm good, how was Hoseok's place?" he cuts the younger off as he grabs a pot on the stew to lift it to the table.

Jimin sits for a second, a little surprised from being cut off.

"Uhm... it was okay, but seriously is everything alright?" before Taehyung can reply, Jungkook enters the kitchen.

The elder has a somewhat hesitant and regretting look on his face, but Jimin can't tell if he's making it up or not.

"Hey guys," he mutters out and sits down beside Jimin.

"Hi dude," Taehyung says back mockingly. Jungkook sighs at that and Jimin just frowns.

Seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

He wants to ask about it, but Taehyung makes one motion with his hand that makes his shut up.

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz