Chapter 33

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"Jimin?" Hoseok almost had a heart attack as he saw the said person standing on his door step, looking rather distressed. Jimin's hair is wet and messy because he has walked all the way from the city to Hoseok's apartment in horrible weather, but that doesn't seem to be his biggest concern. 

Hoseok has been trying to speak with Jimin for days, but he has been ignored every single time... so to see his boyfriend on his doorstep so suddenly totally surprised him. 

"Can I come in?" the blonde asks, looking up with his big puppy eyes. He's still mad at Hoseok, without a doubt... but now might be a good time to figure out the things that happened between them. He doesn't want to go home right now. He doesn't know if he can look at Taehyung without breaking down.

After Kim Joon Tae dropped the bomb, Jimin fleeted the place like a mad-man. He didn't expect to hear anything of that sort... his mother is still alive? That's impossible. That's what Jimin has been told his entire life. 

He can still hear Joon Tae's last words before he left.

Oh, you don't believe me? Why don't you have any contact or knowledge about your grandparents on your mother's side? Try asking Taehyung about them, I'm sure he'll get really defensive if you do.

Indeed, Jimin knows nothing about his grandparents on his mother's side. He hasn't heard of them, seen a picture of them or anything even close to that. He has almost forgotten they exist. It's like they died with the memory of his mother.

But why? 

Jimin understands why Taehyung never told much about his own father, but why did he cut off Chaeyoung's parents too? It's oddly suspicions. 

He'll be asking Taehyung tomorrow... but he just couldn't deal with it in his mind. That's why he's here right now, speaking with Hoseok after days of lost contact. Maybe he also feels slightly bad for not hearing the elder out. But this time, Hoseok is telling the truth or this relationship is over for good.

If he really is cheating on him... it's a whole other story.

"Of course, come in," Hoseok steps aside and let's Jimin into the small apartment. He quickly goes into his bedroom and collects some close Jimin can change into, bringing a towel with him as well. Jimin quickly starts drying up and getting changed, a pout playing on his lips the entire time.

He doesn't really want to explain it all to Hoseok, it's probably best they deal with their own stupid shit before Jimin starts complaining about his and his father's stupid shit.

They sit down on the couch and silence engulfs them. Hoseok keeps opening and closing his mouth, clearly wanting to say something but having no idea where to start. He doesn't know what's going on inside Jimin's head, so it's hard for him to know what part to bring up first. 

"I'm sorry... for ignoring you," Jimin, surprisingly, breaks the silence. He really has been unfair to Hoseok, considering that his theory might be wrong... he just can't imagine that Hoseok would cheat on him. 

"It's just... if you're with Hwasa you should have ended it with me first so that-"

Hoseok kissed him. 

Okay. Maybe that wasn't the best move right now, but god Hoseok has missed those lips so much that he almost forgot to listen to what Jimin was saying. Therefore, he acted as if it was instinct, leaning in and sealing their lips together. Jimin yelps into the kiss and returns it only for a second before pushing Hoseok back. 


"I'm sorry! I couldn't hold back... and I'm not with Hwasa," Hoseok quickly adds. He has an idea that this was what Jimin had interpreted from the text message, "she's just a really good friend and... she's also the one who figured out why we... uhm... haven't had sex yet..."

"You talked with Hwasa about our sex-life?" Jimin raises a judging eyebrow.

"No! I mean... yes, but she was the one who forced it out of me! She hasn't said it to anyone though, she has just helped me with my... problem," Hoseok explains. Jimin just looks at him with disbelief. He has had enough of Hoseok's secrets.

Jimin feels something get lifted from his heart though at he hears that. He really wouldn't think Hoseok would do something like cheating, so hearing him say he didn't cheat is like music to Jimin's ears. He really has missed the elder these last few days.

"Well then, I guess it's the perfect time for you to spit out," Jimin says and crosses his arms over his chest. Hoseok nods and bites his lip. Oh, how to explain.... what to do, what to do...

"Uhm... you see... it's not because I don't w-want to have sex with you, I do! I really do! But uhm... I tend to do some things that I actually don't want to do, because I don't if you like it. I'm so scared you're going to hate me for it that's why it's so hard for me to say... even though I don't think you have a problem with it, but-"

"Jesus! Just get to the goddamn point!" Jimin cuts off the elder's ramble who flinches slightly at that, "I won't hate you Hoseok, I swear. If it's something about sex, I'm more than willing to hear you out, okay?"

Hoseok nods slightly, fiddling with his hands. He's such a wimp for not being able to tell it to Jimin, but now he'll finally get it over with.

"I'm... kinda... into... SM?" he whispers out. Jimin stares at him for a second as the room goes completely silent. Oh shit... no, no, no... he's gonna leave! He's gonna tell Hosoek he's disgusting and then break up with him-

(SM: sadomasochism)

"THAT'S IT!? You have been avoiding having sex with me for that long because you have a fucking kink!?" Jimin yells and Hoseok avoids the pillow Jimin throws at him.

"You don't think it's disgusting?" he asks timidly.

"Disgusting!? Hoseok I'm literally the kinkiest motherfucker on the planet," Jimin replies.

"You are?"

"Dude, I have slept with almost everyone before being with you! Did you expect me to be a little innocent petal??" Jimin laughs slightly at that. Has all of this trouble just been because Hoseok is kinky? Fuck, how didn't he notice? Hoseok did go a little rough with him whenever they kissed and such, but Jimin never thought much about it. 

"No... but every time I got a little overboard you would cry out in pain and-"

"Cry out? Hoseok that's literally the point... if I don't like it I will tell you to stop, I thought you knew that," Jimin says and grabs Hoseok's hand, "and I would let you do a lot of things just because I love you."

Hoseok cheeks flame with red and he looks down. He really was being unnecessarily scared about this. It's hard to describe how big a relief it is for him that Jimin has accepted him. He has struggled with this part of his persona for so long... now he might be able to explore it some more.

"Thanks Jimin... I'm sorry for keeping it from you," he says. Jimin just chuckles, "it's okay" he says before kissing the other deeply. Oh, how they have missed this.

They sit like that for a while, just making out and relaxing, talking a little more to make sure they are both on the same page. However, Hoseok is still left in the dark on why Jimin walked over to him in full downpour, looking more broken than anything. He quickly asks Jimin about it.

"It's nothing... it's just something I need to talk with my dad about. I'll do it tomorrow... I didn't feel like doing it today," Jimin explains, letting Hoseok lift him onto his lap and place a hand on the inside of his thigh, making it go higher and higher.

"You sure? You can always talk to me about it, you know that right?" Hoseok kisses his neck and sucks on a certain spot continually. Jimin bites his lip and wraps his arms around his boyfriend's neck.

"Yeah, I don't even know some things myself yet... I'll figure it out," he says before letting their lips connect again. Hoseok slowly slides his hand further up so he's cupping Jimin's groin. They might be jumping into it pretty quickly but finally they can go further.

Sure, they have had countless blowjobs and what not, but now they might be able to go all the way with both of them getting satisfied.

They have all night after all.

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