Chapter 10

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Jungkook grumbles loudly as he's dragged into another stupid store, with more stupid clothes and the stupidest people who are currently holding around his wrists.

He thought a family day would be filled with fun activities, not walking around the city to buy clothes worth the rent of their house.

"Don't be such a dad, it's the last one," Jimin giggles and lets go when they are fully inside the store. Jungkook sighs as he watches his son and Taehyung walk around to find some different clothing, he halts though when they reach the underwear section.

Jimin is looking for some simple boxers to buy which gives Jungkook the perfect opportunity to look seducingly at Taehyung as he grabs around one of the dresses in the lingerie section. He wiggles his eyebrows as Taehyung gives him an unimpressed gaze.

"You wish," he says as he turns around playfully and walks over to Jimin. Jungkook shrugs and accepts, considering they are technically still fighting. Taehyung has been warming up to him doing the day, trying not to ruin the mood.

To be honest, it's very rarely they have days like these, mostly because of Jungkook's work. He's glad they can spend it together, even if it means he has to suffer through hours and hours of clothing stores and changing rooms. Not to mention they have forced him to hold the bags because he's supposedly stronger. Toxic masculinity.

"Should we eat some dinner before going back home?" Taehyung asks as Jimin has finally found something he wants to buy.


The day went by in a rush. They ate at a small cafe, nothing special but it was still a nice place. They all got burgers, it's a classic.

After that they traveled the two hour drive home. Jimin dozed of most of the way while Jungkook and Taehyung was just sitting in silence.

It was pretty clear that both of them wanted to have a conversation but at the same time feared it.

They only talked briefly about some grocery shopping and other everyday things. It wasn't necessarily awkward, there was just a weird tension.

Not that they had expected it to be any differently.

After what felt like forever they finally arrived home.

"Jimin, wake up. We're back," Taehyung says and hears Jimin grumble. Jungkook gets out of the car and stretches his body, Taehyung and Jimin exits the car as well.

They were farther away then they originally thought, so it got later than expected.

Taehyung grabs their bag while the others head towards the front door. Driving all the way just to be left to lift the bags. At least Jungkook at taken some of the shopping bags.

Taehyung walks ahead, but stops when he sees something in the window of their other car that's parked in the driveway. It's a note, but it can't possibly be a fine since they are parked at their proberty.

Out of curiosity, he walks over to it and drags it from the wiper.

Just when he's doing that, Jungkook presses his key inside the door, but for some reason, it's extremely difficult to twist.

"That's weird," he mumbles to no one in particular. After musseling with the metal for a little, he finally gets it opened.

"Took you long enough," Jimin jokes as they walk inside. They wait until Taehyung joins them and throws the bag on the floor.

He lifts the white piece of paper in his hand.

"Any of you missing this?" he asks and studies the thing, not thinking it's anything speciel.

"What is it?" Jimin questions and walks over beside his father.

"Don't know, it says 8 in a circle?" Taehyung frowns. Jimin does too and looks at the paper a little longer. Seems odly familiar.

After looking for a while, it finally clicks in his head.

"Wait, there was a note similar to that one stuck in our mailbox, it said 10 on that one though," Jimin explains and heads for the small drawer in the entrance.

He mindlessly left the note there incase it was something Taehyung and Jungkook needed, but he forgot to ask them about it.

"Can I see?" Jungkook asks as he shrugs off his jacket and places it on the racks.

Taehyung turns the paper and Jungkook tilts his head slightly. Wait, that seems odly familiar to him too.

"I had one of those on the back of my parking ticket? It said 9," he explains and all three males look at each other in confusion.

A mix of random numbers on papers? Haven't heard that before.

"What's that supposed to indicate? It's just a coincidence, right?" Jimin asks, feeling his chest tighten a little in worry.

"Yeah, it's just a weird coincidence," Taehyung agrees even though he can't shake off the feeling of something strange going on.

"Then why does it seem creepily much like it's counting down?" Jungkook asks, "when did you find yours Jimin?"

"Long ago, before you got your ticket," he explains.

Jungkook shakes his head, "let's ignore it, it's probably nothing."

Jimin and Taehyung agrees, they are simply overreacting. Funny coincidence though. They head inside the house and Jimin let's out a loud yawn.

"I think I'll be going to bed," he says.

"Already? It's not even that late," Taehyung chuckles and cares for Jimin's hair.

"The ride made me tired," he says stretches his body.

Nah, he's just not over his teenage years where the need for sleep is on another level.

"Fair enough, see you tomorrow then," he says and watches Jimin head towards the stairs.

Jungkook looks over at him, a little hesitant before moving closer.

"I guess... it leaves us some time to talk a little?" Jungkook smiles.

He still feels way to guilty about what he did, but done is done so all he can do now is try to make up for his mistakes.

"You want to talk-"

Taehyung can't say more before a loud yell is heard from upstairs.

"Come up here!" Jimin urges, sounding honestly panicked. Shock appears on both of the elders' faces. In a second, Jungkook and Taehyung are sprinting up the stairs, looking at Jimin who's standing in the doorway to his room, looking inside.

"Jimin, what's wrong-" Taehyung gets over behind his son, but stops when he sees what's before him. Jungkook does the exact same thing, his eyes blown wide.

On Jimin's white bedroom wall, big fat stains with red paint are lingering, putting the family's past doubts into the open.


Around the number a big ring is painted, dripping down the wall.

"Holy shit," Jungkook stutters out and instantly throws his arms around the two other guys in a possessive manner.

"W-What is that supposed to mean?" Taehyung gasps, turning towards his husband with frightened eyes.

"Someone was in here," Jimin states in shock. This feeling taking up his chest almost makes his body shake.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now