Chapter 13

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Jimin has been distracted all day. He tried speaking with his friends and spending time with Hoseok as much as possible.

The elder is still slightly confused why Jungkook asked him to be close to Jimin all day, not to mention that Jimin's mood is strange.

He's sad, but not really sad. Somehow, he's scared too which is just weird. He has never been this timid or closed off before.

"Jimin, are you sure you're okay?" Hoseok gets the guts to ask as they are sitting on the familiar bench outside. They are almost done with their dinner they got from the canteen.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine... just haven't been feeling too good today, maybe I'm getting sick?" he lies. He hates lying to Hoseok, but he has come to conclusion that keeping the whole thing from Hoseok might be safer.

"Okay... want me to take you home?"

"My dad will be here, and I only have one lesson to go, so I'll be alright," Jimin sighs and leans his head on Hoseok's shoulder. They haven't seen each other privately in a while and it's really taking the tool on them both. Still, Jimin doesn't have the heart to spend time with Hoseok when Yoongi is out there threatening him.

"Okay. I might come over later, would that be okay?" the elder asks. He doesn't know if he's bothering Jimin by wanting to be with him.

"Sure," Jimin smiles and lifts his head to gently place a kiss on Hoseok's lips, "let's go to class."

The two boys head back inside to do just that. They split up by the lockers, Hoseok continuing down the hall to get to his locker.

Jimin's eyes follows him calmly until he's out of sight. He feels shitty for lying to Hoseok... again. This is different though.

He sighs and shakes his head, letting his hand mindlessly open his locker. What he didn't expect was for all his books to fall out and land by his feet with a loud thud. He jumps back in confusion and shock. Normally, it wouldn't even be possible for his books to do that by themselves.

"What the-" with a frown he looks inside the empty locker. Well, almost empty.

A small post it note is stuck to the back of the locker. Jimin tilts his head and immedietly gets an uneasy feeling in his chest.

He grabs the small paper, making sure not to rip it from wanting to read it asap. With big eyes he turns it and reads the words scribbled there.

Monday, by the park.

3 billion won.

- Suga

Jimin almost drops his jaw. 3 billion!? Is he out of his mind?? That's way to much. Those drugs can't have been worth that amount of money...

He runs a hand through his hair and helplessly tries to calm his breathing. They were right about Yoongi taking advantage of their wealth.

He needs to get home. Right now.

He immediately fumbles with his hands to get to his phone.

"come on-" he hurries and looks through his contacts. He finds Jungkook's number quickly and dials it. It only take mare seconds before the line is picked up.

"Jimin? Is something wrong," Jungkook asks concerned.

"You need to pick me up, hurry," he doesn't explain further before cutting the call. He knows Jungkook will trust him and be here in a few minutes.

Meanwhile, Jimin shakingly brings his books back inside the locker, placing them messily beside each other.

He looks around him and sees students walking to their classes without any worries in life. Jimin eyes rushes around, searching for a mop of black hair or just something that reminds him a little of Yoongi.

He can feel his heartbeat increase uncomfortably. Just like his house, this school is now infected. He's going to hate going here every single day simply because Yoongi went in here.

He found his locker. Hell, they probably passed each other without Jimin noticing in the slightest.



"3 billion!? Is he fucking insane? Shit," Taehyung bursts out as he throws the note on the table.

Jimin is sitting with his face in his hands and Jungkook is standing beside the table, hands in his hair.

"There's no way we can get that much money without them asking questions," he states. This is certainly impossible if they need that much money in cash.

"C-Can't we just say we'll need the money to build something on the house? Or we bought a vacation villa? Something like that?" Taehyung suggests desperately.

"The media will keep an eye on us. It won't be easy to get past them with such information, they'll figure out we're lying in no time," Jungkook says. Since he's the CEO of such a big company, he has the press on his back all hours a day. They are hell of annoying, but they aren't stupid. They'll go unnaturally far to get gossip about them.

"What should we do? We can only get half the money by then..." Jimin mumbles out.

"Maybe we can bring half the amount to him and explain we'll get the rest the week after?" Taehyung proposes. It will probably be their only way.

"I'm not sure he'll listen to that... he said I should keep an eye out on my phone. If he texts me, maybe I can convince him to give us more time?" Jimin tries. Jungkook runs a hand over his face but nods slightly.

"I guess it will be worth a try..." if they can convince Yoongi for one more week, they'll have enough money, "I'll go get the first amount right away. I'll just explain to the bank we are saving up for a surprise for Jimin or something."

"You think that'll work?"

"It has to," Jungkook says and leaves the living room. Jimin let's his head fall into his hands again.

Taehyung looks at him with sad eyes. He hates seeing his child in distress.

"It's going to be okay," he assures for the millionth time these two days. He walks over and gently lifts Jimin's face to look him in the eyes.

"I promise," he adds and smiles gently, "come on. Let's cook some food to keep out minds occupied."

Jimin quickly agrees to that. He'll do everything to distract himself from this. He can make some extra food for Hoseok who'll be arriving later.

It's first very late in the afternoon Jimin checks his phone again. To his dismay, there's a message.

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now