Chapter 40

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"Excuse me... what?" Taehyung almost can't believe the words that just spilled out of Jimin's mouth. His mother? Alive? Is it first of April or something?

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" Jimin hisses and crosses his arms confidently, "when you wouldn't tell me anything, I took it into my own hands."

"What the hell did you do?" Taehyung feels like his face will get stuck in a frown after this. What the hell is Jimin talking about? He better not have done what Taehyung think he has, then this might be a bigger mess than he could have feared.

"S-She's alive?" now it's Jungkook who looks over at Taehyung, confusion painting his features. He has never really asked much about Taehyung's past love, he has too much respect for Taehyung to do that. But one of the few things he does know is that she's dead... or at least, that's what he was told?

"What? No!" Taehyung yells out in frustration. He turns back to Jimin, "who on earth has convinced you about that?"

"Well, you wouldn't tell me about my grandparents, so I contacted them myself," Jimin spits and crosses his arms, stating it as if it makes perfect sense and that's what everyone would have done in this situation.

Taehyung stares at him for a good 30 seconds. Taking in the very being of his son and wondering how on earth he become so goddamn stupid! Okay, that was mean. But holy shit that boy is too naïve for his own good, Taehyung seriously needs to do something about that. Maybe it's a childhood trauma that has made him like this?

He did read about it when Jimin was still a child, considering that Jimin's childhood wasn't exactly pretty. It's like he's always craving attention or assurance... Taehyung can't figure it out. He doesn't want to seem mean, but these are the honest thoughts running through his head right now.

Jimin is now the one to frown as he looks at his father throwing his head back suddenly and laughing out loud, almost in a creepy way. Taehyung laughs his heart out and holds around his stomach. Oh god, how did he not figure that out?

"Why the hell do you think I told you they aren't important to us?" Taehyung asks. Jimin gets an offended look on his face and takes a step back, "because you have been keeping this a secret! And my grandparents are the only ones who know the truth."

"And let me guess, you only talked with Ah-Seung and not your grandfather?" Taehyung crosses his arms over his chest, now completely serious again. Jimin takes a minute to think over that statement. He indeed hasn't spoken with his mother's father at all, it's only his grandmother that has picked up the phone.

"Yeah so? She knows way more about mom than you do, and I want to know more about her," Jimin hisses. Taehyung chuckles and shakes his head in frustration, his hand running through his hair to get it out of his eyes. After taking a deep breath he walks over to Jimin and places his hands on his shoulders, looking deeply into his son's eyes.

"The day you were born, I was given the most amazing gift I could have asked for and I wouldn't change it for the world," he begins and Jimin gulps since he knows Taehyung is referring to him, "but that day also took someone very dear from me. Your mother was the only person before Jungkook that actually saw me as more than just a weakling with no money. She gave me a reason to fight for my life again," he continues.

"I saw her Jimin. Dead. On that hospital bed with the line dying right in front of my eyes. If there was anything I could do to change that, I would have. However, she gave me you. My new reason to live. Don't you ever think I would lie about something like that... this is my life line you're talking about... a person who loved me to her very last breath. She's not alive Jimin, I'm sorry."

Jimin looks at him with big eyes, the tears already stinging. Why are everyone telling him different things? Why does he listen to all of them? What should he believe? Who should he trust? He doesn't know. He's just a stupid kid at this point.

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now