Chapter 30

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I know you have all been waiting for this chapter


Hoseok sighs as he once again doesn't get through to Jimin's phone. Hoseok considered going to the Jeon resident, but he knows Jimin is smarter than that. The younger clearly doesn't want to talk right now.

Suddenly, the elder male hears a knock on his door.

He quickly goes to open it and is met with the beautiful smile of Hwasa. The girl did come over, just like she said she would. However, it's not in the sense Jimin might be thinking it is. Hoseok immediently figured out what Jiminn was thinking, but that's completely wrong.

Hoseok doesn't see Hwasa as anything aside from a friend. A sister almost. They have an amazing bond, but it could never become romantic. Not to mention that Hoseok is so deeply in love with Jimin that he can't even think about falling in love with someone else.

"Hey Hobi, sorry for the sudden arrival," Hwasa says, "do you have some food? I'm starving."

Hoseok watches as she heads inside the kitchen and starts looking through the cupboards as if she lives there. She has been there quite a few times, considering the projects they have together ever so often. 

"It's okay, Jimin just left," the elder says with a pout. Hwasa chuckles slightly at that as the slowly opens up a bag of chips. Jimin has been the topic of their conversations numerous times. Why, you might ask?

Because the things Hoseok is dealing with is something Hwasa figured out and therefore she has become his go-to help center. Hwasa was always curious about the relationship between Hoseok and Jimin, but when she heard that they have never had sex, she almost fainted.

They have been together for so long dammit!

This specific sex-topic got her way too curious and one day, she hit the nail on the head and Hoseok couldn't hide the truth from her.

"Did you pussy out again? Fuck, I'm more of a man than you are," she walks around the kitchen isle and plops down in the small sofa. Hoseok sits on a chair in front of her.

"I can't help it! It just freaks me out every time..." the male mumbles. 

"It's really not that big of a deal. To be honest, I think Jimin is totally fine with it," Hwasa states and throws a chip in her mouth that she quickly chews.

Hoseok sighs. Yes, it honestly isn't that big of a deal. 

"I just have a feeling Jimin is one kinky motherfucker," Hwasa adds.

That's the thing. Hoseok has some certain ways of act doing sex that has giving him all these problems. Lame right? He doesn't know why he's so secretive about it.

But... how do you tell your boyfriend you want to tie him to their bed for the entire day while he's having a large sized dildo inside of him and screaming for mercy while Hoseok mingles at work?

Not easy, so to say.

To make it clear, Hoseok is a sadist. Like, maybe a little too much. He likes the pain, he likes the ordering and he absolutely loves the forceful manhandling he would have to do if he's ever having sex with Jimin.

He wants to choke the blonde, blindfold him, spank him and tie him to every possible pole in this house.

He wants to hurt him.

And that's where little, innocent Hoseok starts kicking inside his mind. He wants to hurt Jimin, but not hurt hurt him. 

Hoseok has been wanting to tell Jimin for so long, but he doesn't know how to. He's scared Jimin will think he's a total psycho and leave him... also, he can already feel how he's struggling holding back when ever he gets physical with Jimin. he accidently bite or just hold him too tight.

"Seriously, just tell him. How many times am I going to tell you he's not leaving you because of that? You'll figure it out together if it really is a problem," Hwasa said. She remembers clearly when she randomly said 'are you violent or something?' and Hoseok got red all over. That's how she figured it out.

Normally, she wouldn't dig much into others buisness, but she cared for Hoseok and it's clearly a problem from his side that's holding their relationship back.

"I know! It's just... he has known me for so long and I don't how to just drop the bomb like 'hey Jimin, I want to choke you to death, how about that?'" Hoseok deadpans and Hwasa let's out a roar of a laugh. 

"You know that's not what it's like, you can have safe words and all that," she states and Hoseok just silently agrees. 

He remembers back when he was around 15 years and he saw this one porn with a man tied to a bedpost while blindfolded and Hoseok literually came in 10 seconds. After that, he started seeing more and more of that stuff and suddenly it became addicting. However, he's always in for concent and everything has to be okay for both parts of the relationship.

That's one of the main reasons why he always pulls back when he gets a little too greedy. Sometimes, he just can't control it.

Many wouldn't think of Hoseok as this type of person, but he's a lot more kinky and freaky than one would have thought. The chances of Jimin having anything against it is very small, but it doesn't make it any harder to explain.

"Anyway, I'm glad you wanted to share this with me back then Hoseok, it means a lot," Hwasa says, explaning what she wrote in her text. Hoseok agreed to let Hwasa help and that's a big step for him, considering how insecure he is about this topic.

"Of course, you have been great mental support," Hoseok says in return and earns a small smile from the female.

"What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be chasing after him?" Hwasa asks. 

Hoseok has an idea where Jimin went, thinking he could outsmart the elder, but it isn't as easy as it seems. 


"He stopped?" Jin questions as he sits before his bestfriend's son, listening to his story of how Hoseok broke his heart.

Okay, might be a bit of exaggeration, but he is mad! How can Hoseok keep doing the same thing over and over again? How hard can it be to just tell the truth. Like it or not, truth always gets you the farthest.

"Yes! He has done it so many times and I'm about to kick him," Jimin pouts as Jin places a glass of soda before the younger. Jimin has talked with Jin about all kinds of struggles through the years, so this isn't an unusual scene.

Also, Jimin didn't want to go home because he knows Hoseok will come look for him.

"That's strange, he must be dealing with some things... did you give him enough time?" Jin asks.

"I have given him too much time at this point," Jimin sighs and rolls his eyes. He knows he shouldn't be so demanding, but it isn't fair that Hoseok is keeping it a secret anymore. 

"Mmm, you have a point. But don't worry Jimin, he'll come around I'm sure," Jin says with a smile and Jimin just moodly nods.

Is he being too much? He doesn't know, it just sucks. He wants to know if he's the problem? If he is, he doesn't want to be let on just for Hoseok to tell him that he's unattractive or something. 

With a deep sigh, he leans further back in his seat, feeling how his phone keeps buzzing in his pocket.

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now