Chapter 19

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"H-He... he's what?" Jimin stutters out in pure disbelief. A whole new level of emotion rushes over him as he thinks over the words Taehyung just told him.

Yoongi is... dead?

"It was the police, they said he's dead," Taehyung confirms as he holds a hand over his fast beating heart.

Jimin doesn't know why his heart is suddenly painful. He hates Yoongi more than anything, but he doesn't wish death upon anyone. And he was close to Yoongi back then, can't blame him from feeling overwhelmed. Sad almost.

He can't even imagine it. Yoongi dead? He's so young though why would he-


"B-But why isn't Jungkook back..." Jimin comments on his confusion, "it couldn't possibly be that-"

He can't finish the sentence, the feeling of shock and confusion once again invading his system. Taehyung seems to be feeling the same way when his mind also runs over the options.

"He couldn't possibly have... k-killed Yoongi?" Jimin mumbles out, almost scared of his own words. He knows Jungkook has some serious anger issues, but never did it cross his mind that Jungkook would go this far.

"It can't be... he would never do that... right?" Taehyung almost asks himself. Jimin lifts his hands to show he has no idea either.

Taehyung sighs and throws his head back. It can't even imagine Jungkook would do something so out of line but... he did say he would hurt Yoongi in more ways than just one. Still, it's absolutely insane if he really did it...

"I-I just need to know if he's alive... I'll call the police, they must know where he is... he better not be hurt," Taehyung says and grabs his phone again.

He calls back on the number that called him, getting in line with a lot of different people from the police deparment who aren't very helpful. Jimin is just pacing around the apartment, his mind running on full capacity.

Hoseok is in the hospital, Jungkook is missing and Yoongi is dead? Holy fuck, his heart isn't having one moment of freedom. The constant anxiety warming up his chest is starting to become a burden. He wants it to be over. He wants it all to just end, right now.

"I don't care if I need some stupid allowence! I just need to know if my husband is alive or not!" Taehyung yells into the phone after the fifth person hasn't been able to tell him shit about where Jungkook is.

In frustration he cuts the line and throws his phone on the table for the third time today. It's impressive it hasn't cracked the screen yet.

"Where the fuck is he?" Taehyung mumbles concerned, feeling his body shake in fear. He needs Jungkook right now, he can't bear another loss in his fragile heart.

"He got to be somewhere, he can't possibly be-" before Jimin can finish, the door to the apartment opens abruptly.

Both of their heads turn fast to look at the sudden action, seeing two police officers enter the room. Jimin and Taehyung don't pay them any mind though as they are solely focused on the person that steps in behind them.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung bursts out as he runs over and throws himself in his husband's arms. Jungkook let's out an 'oof' sound and is forced a few steps back from Taehyung's sudden weight on top of him.

Taehyung hugs him tightly before pulling back and touching all over Jungkook's face. He's alive, thank god.

"Are you hurt? Did he do anything? What happened?" he rambles and Jungkook can't help but chuckle at that, he feels another person hug tightly around him and he looks down at Jimin who's on the edge of crying, cluching around his torso.

He hugs them both, "I'm okay, I'll explain it all in a moment."

He gently let's them go and turns to the officers that hands Jungkook the bag with the huge amount of money. One of them gently pats Jungkook on the shoulder, "we apologize for the misunderstanding, you'll get some compensation in the upcoming week. Be careful."

With that, the two guards leave the place without further notice. The small family comes together in another hug, holding each other as if it was their last goodbye.

"We're so glad you're safe," Jimin cries out, feeling a small weight lift from his shoulders. At least Jungkook is safe and sound.

"I'm glad to be back... I have so much to tell," the raven confirms with a deep sigh. He seems exhausted, he must have been through some real shit to be this tired.

"Let's sit down," Taehyung urges and goes to grab some water for them while the others sit down. Jimin almost can't sit still on his chair from curiousity.

Taehyung quickly joins them and they wait patiently for Jungkook to begin. It's hard for the said male to talk, he has no idea where to start.

"So... what happened?" Jimin hesitantly asks.

"A lot I can say... I can't even believe how fast it all went..." he begins, "I went to Yoongi's apartment, just like I had been told. It was disgusting, unhealthily messy, the smell in the entrence was like rotten wood."

Jungkook's nose scrunches by the mare thought of the place. It was without a doubt the worst apartment complex he has ever put his foot in. It was even worse than Taehyung's apartment back when they were students.

"I tried knocking on the door, but when I didn't get a reply, I just went inside... what I was met with there was... something that I'll never be able to erase from my memory," he says tiredly, "Yoongi was on the floor. Just by looking at him, I could tell he was dead on sight..." he halts for a second as his eyes look over Jimin.

What he saw is not something anyone would take lightly. He's just more than happy he was the one who went to the apartment and not Jimin. With a large intake of air, he continues.

"I-It seems like he was beaten to death.. with a baseball bat. It was hard to tell it was even him anymore his face was... destroyed," Jungkook takes a small break as Jimin's body starts to tense.

"Still, I ran over to him and checked his puls. But as expected, he was completely dead, probably had been for a long time... that's when the police arrived."

"They though you did it?" Taehyung asks.

"Yes. Can't blame them, I was the only one on the crime scene. It seems that some neighbors had called the police, finding me suspicious for some reason... they arrested me on the spot and took me to the station."

"So... how did you get out?" Jimin questions. He's face tells that he's overly shaken by the news, knowing how Yoongi got murdered. Brutally so, it seems.

"After a few hours, they were able to tell the time of death. Since I wasn't even near the apartment at the time, they concluded that I'm innocent," Jungkook states and leans back in his chair, "I'm just glad it's over. My anger was at it's limit, I was so close to losing it at some of the officers..."

Taehyung can't help but chuckle slightly at that, grabbing his husband's hand, "we're just glad you safe. You scared the shit out of us when you didn't reply to my calls."

"Sorry, you must have been worried," Jungkook says and places a hand on Jimin's shoulder.

He's still thinking over all the things that has happened today. His body feels uneasy and he's mind his totally fried.

"I can't believe he's dead... so... is it just over now? Just like that?" the blonde asks and looks up at his father.

"Yes, we won't be bothered anymore... we have to show as witnesses though, they are going to look into this case. We might even be able to talk with Yoongi's family," Jungkook replies.

They'll have some lawsuits to go through next week, but it won't be turned towards them, so that's a relief. They have been through more than enough adversity already.

"So... we can go home now?" Jimin asks in a small voice. Jungkook smiles at that and pulls his son into a side hug.

"Yes. We can go home."

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now