Chapter 25

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"How are you Hoseok?" Taehyung asks as he gently places a plate of freshly made food before the said male.

Hoseok got released from the hospital about a week ago and he's recovering very well. Aside from the scars on his stomach, he's almost back to normal. The stings have been removed, so he can start sleeping with Jimin again without being afraid of ripping something.

He and Jimin have spent the last few nights together, just watching shows and enjoying the feeling of finally being in each other's arms again.

"Way better, thanks. It's healing faster than I thought it would," the younger replies with a blinding smile. Taehyung gives him a grin in return and goes to fetch the other plates.

Jungkook and Jimin are there as well. They are currently discussing if pineable should be a topping on pizza or not. It's getting very heated.

Taehyung sighs as he puts down the plates before his family members. They are almost at each others throats by now because of some stupid pizza.

"It's disgusting!"

"You're disgusting!"

"Both of you are disgusting! Not shut up and eat your damn food before it gets cold!" Taehyung snaps and the others shut up real fast. No one wants to get on his bad side. Except Jungkook. Proof: their countless, silly fights.

They start eating, slowly starting up a normal conversation as usual.

Things have been quiet these few days. The boys will start in school again and the parents are working as they usually do. Nothing to think much about.

"Are you having any projects these days?" Taehyung asks, and the boys nod quickly.

"We have mixed-subjects projects right now, unfortunately we're not in the same groups..." Jimin states. What he hates the most is that Hoseok and Hwasa are in a group project together.

The girl hasn't done much aside from being absolutely amazing. She's sweet, funny yet savage. The perfect girl and Jimin hates that he can't hate her. He knows he's childish for being just a little bit jealous, but the relationship between Hoseok and Hwasa has only been growing stronger. They are like bestfriends or something.

It pisses him off.

"Is that so? I remember projects like these... right, Jungkook?" He looks over at the male who has his mouth stuffed with food. Taehyung sighs as Jungkook looks confused back at him.

"You're so messy," the elder says and throws a napkin at his husband. Jungkook quickly gulps down the food, caughing a little afterwards.

"I remember, an absolute waste of time-"

Taehyung slaps the back of his head, "and very useful too. It teaches about teamwork which we all know someone in this room didn't learn too well," he hisses.

Jungkook smiles slightly and rubs the back of his head while Hoseok and Jimin giggle at the small fight.

"I agree with Jungkook about that one," Jimin states. He's good in school as always, doesn't mean it isn't boring as hell. Not to mention he got in a group with some people he barely talks too, that's why teachers shouldn't be the ones deviding them.

They keep talking about that topic until dinner is over and they go to wash the dishes. Hoseok and Jimin goe to the blonde's room right after and lie down on the bed like they have done the other days. They have school tomorrow, so it won't be too long until they have to go to sleep.

Hoseok is running his fingers through Jimin's hair. He has been wanting to be closer to the other for so long and finally he isn't in pain anymore, so they can cuddle and whatever they want without problems.

Jimin turns slightly to lock their lips together. Hoseok sighs into the kiss and moves his lips together with Jimin's. It's a thrilling feeling everytime, sending waves of excitement through both of them. Jimin lifts himself up so he's straddling Hoseok's legs, their lips still together and Jimin's hands slowly roaming Hoseok's chest and stomach.

The elder grabs arond Jimin's neck and forces him closer. He bites Jimin's bottom lip hard so the younger yelps in surprise, but he just forces his lips back on Hoseok's.

The elder gets scared for a second though. Did he bite too hard? Shit.

Jimin is just about to sneak his hand into Hoseok's tight demin pants, but he doesn't get far before his wrist is grabbed. It has happened a lot of times before that Hoseok has stopped him, so he isn't even surprised anymore. He's just pissed to be honest, but he doesn't let it out. He finally has Hoseok back so he doesn't want to get in a fight with him right off the bat.

"Sorry," Hoseok whispers and places their foreheads together. Soon, he's going to force himself to get it together and just spill out his insecurities to Jimin.

The younger sighs but still let's Hoseok embrace him.

"It's okay..." he says. Hoseok smiles and they lie down in order to fall asleep. Jimin can't do that very easily though, his mind occupied about the thought of Hoseok not wanting him.

He shakes his head and let's his eyes fall shut, trying is best to fall asleep.


Jimin waves as Hoseok disappears down the hall. A lot of people have been greeting him today, asking how he's doing and if it's good to be back in school. It's not every day someone gets assulted and almost killed in this area, so the tea has really been spilled.

Jimin doesn't pay it much mind though, he's just glad Hoseok is safe.

Jimin quickly opens his locker and takes out the necessary books before walking to his own class. On the way, he wonders how he should fix the project with his classmates. It's not really a difficult subject, but his group seems completely lost.

So much for being the nerd in the group.

He hums as he walks inside, there's only a few people who have arrived. Most people meet in 5 minutes later just because they are lazy.

Jimin throws his bag on the floor and sits down. He quickly pulls his notebooks out of it and places them on the table. He's just about to reach down for his pencils when something catches his eyes.

Something seems to be stuck inside his English notebook. With a frown and hesitant hands, he reaches out for it as he sits up straight. He swears his eyebrows will get stuck from being presed together so often.

He immediately gets a bad feeling in his stomach. He isn't one to leave notes in his looks, it's a rare sight so to say. Jimin is getting tired of all these notes, it's like they are hunting him.

The book cracks upen and it indeed was a note that was stuck there. It falls on the floor and Jimin slowly reaches down for it.

When he turns it... that's where his heart stops.

It says 6.

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now