Chapter 20

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The group of three enters their dark, empty house after almost an hour of traveling. It's weird to be back, after everything that has happened in a span of only a few weeks, the house isn't as homely as they remember it to be.

They visited the hospital before going home, Hoseok is still in coma, there's nothing new about how he's holding up. He's stable but...

Jimin is more than depressed. He misses Hoseok, not to mention that they left each other on kind of a bad note. Jimin was being weird and holding back even though Hoseok was open for anything he had to say. If just Jimin had told him from the start, maybe it wouldn't have ended this way.

The police informed them this morning, saying that it has been confirmed that it really was Yoongi who was lying dead in his apartment. He had taken serious damage to his face and brain from getting beaten up, but it seems like he had been alive for some time but wasn't able to move. He had been stuck in his head for a horrible amount of time.

He died a couple of hours before Jungkook arrived at the apartment. The police has given the family all their money back and not questioned the fact that they kept such illegal information about Yoongi a secret. They were threatened after all.

Jimin doesn't know what to feel about all of this.

He's honestly shocked about what happened to Yoongi, even more who killed him like that. Why did he have to die? The police are on the case and currently keeping Yoongi's family under surveillance. It might be possible to speak with them next week or so.

The Jeons enter and start turning on the lights, trying to make it somewhat home like again. Still feels weird though... different.

They individually start unpacking their things. It seems like it takes forever to do so, some strange tension around them. After an hour, they are all sitting in the living room, filling up the couch.

"So... I guess we should... sleep? It's just a normal day tomorrow after all," Taehyung mumbles. The others nod, but no one stands up or moves. They haven't even turned on the tv, they are just staring blankly ahead.

"D-Do you think we're safe now?" Jimin questions. He can't help but feel some sort of discomfort when he thinks about it. When they walk outside, he can't stop himself from taking an extra glanze over his shoulder.

"Yes... the police said that the murder of Min Yoongi most likely doesn't have anything to do with us. But we really should sleep, tomorrow is the only 'normal' day for a while... we'll be in for questioning and lawsuits in the upcoming days," Jungkook states. Jimin sighs at that. It's enough now. Can't they leave them alone for more than a day? Haven't they been through enough?

"He's right, come on Jimin," Taehyung says, clearly feeling his son's fatigue. It takes a tool on a person to be under constant stress like Jimin has been. He got threatened, forced from his home, almost lost his boyfriend and actually lost his ex-boyfriend in less than a month.

"Yeah..." he says and let's Taehyung lead him up to his room. Before they arrived home, Jungkook payed some workers to come and remove the huge mark from Jimin's wall. It was harder to do so than one would have thought, but it's gone now at least.

Jungkook goes to his and Taehyung's bedroom and waits for the other to join him.

Cold, empty, stressed. Those are the things he's feeling right now as he stares into the wall before him. The bed underneath him seems harder than usual and the light from his lamp on the table isn't as bright as it used to be.

Why is he feeling so uneasy?

He shakes his head and gets up to change out of his clothes and get into some night wear. Whatever it is that he's feeling, it's probably just a phase. It'll pass when all of this is out of their life once and for all.

He's brushing his teeth when Taehyung finally enters the room. He closes the door behind him and leans against it, letting out a deep breath while closing his eyes.

Jimin couldn't sleep. It's like he's a child again, so confused and frightened of the changes happening in his life. Taehyung has dealt with Jimin's anger, fear and sadness for many years but this... there has never been anything nearly as difficult and emotional as this.

Jungkook cleans his mouth and goes out to his husband. He seems exhausted too.

"Hey," he says and places himself in front of the brunette who slowly cracks his eyes open.

"Hi," he replies and lazily wraps his arms around Jungkook's neck. The younger walks closer and grabs around Taehyung's waist, hugging him.

"I'm so tired," Taehyung sighs, "yet I can't seem to want to sleep. My body is so restless."

Jungkiok hums and gently kisses the side of Taehyung's head. He doesn't know how to make Taehyung feel better or brighten his mood. His first option was sex, but to be honest, he isn't feeling it right now. None of them seem to be.

Comfort is his second one. He grabs under Taehyung's thighs and lifts him up, bringing him over to the bed. He gently places the tired male down and lies beside him.

"It will get better soon," Jungkook says as he let's Taehyung rest his head on top of his shoulder. Jungkook's hand start trailing up and down Taehyung's arm, giving him any type of comfort he can.

"At least Jimin is safe," Taehyung mumbles into Jungkook's chest.

There it is again. That amazing display of Taehyung's fatherly love. Jimin is always on his mind, just like he was back when they were teenagers.

Jungkook remembers when Jimin had to start in school when he was 6, it was right after their marriage. Taehyung was freaking out. He misses those times.

Taehyung was being unnecessarily scared about his son's well-being. It was cute though. By now, it should be obvious for everyone that Taehyung will do anything for Jimin, even his he thinks Jungkook can be too overprotective at times, he's not much better himself.

"He is. And he'll keep being safe," Jungkook confirms and places a kiss on Taehyung's lips.

The elder melts into it while his legs tangle themselves with Jungkook's. They hold tightly around each other as they make out. Not rushed or anything, just softly moving their lips together.

There are so many people in this world who has no one to seek comfort in. At least they have each other.

If they didn't, they would probably loose their sanity by now.

After kissing a little more, the two elder males get themselves tugged in well and slowly drift into a light sleep.

Just for a moment, they forget the trouble that's coming their way.

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now