Chapter 26

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"I swear to God, someone is going to fucking die. I'll make it slow and painful and-"

"Okay, let's not commit massmurder right now, we need to think this through," Jungkook says as he stops Taehyung's endless ramble. Taehyung goes into killer mode everytime something about Jimin pops up again, and this time he's reacting his limit.

"We have to speak with the police and find out who the fuck needed money from Yoongi. This is ridiculous," Taehyung huffs and crosses his arms over his chest. Jimin came home not long ago, totally dead in his eyes as he showed the note that added yet another number to the countdown.

All of them are currently in the kitchen, discussing what on earth they are supposed to do now. Their security has been upgraded, they don't need to hide in a hotel like last time.

Jimin sighs as he slumps down further in his chair. This shit has been going on for too long, almost so long that it's getting boring at this point. There's nothing that surprises Jimin anymore and it pisses him off.

"I guess we should have a meeting with the police. I don't mind giving up all that money if they'll just leave us alone," Jungkook hisses. 3 billion won is a lot of money, but it isn't money they don't have. They just have to make sure they don't put those money in the claws of the wrong people.

"I agree... but how will they know who was threatening Yoongi?" Jimin asks.

"To be honest, the police nowadays sucks and there's a high change one of the guards are either bribed or threatened into smugling things in and out of prison. Even if it's simply information," Jungkook states. He has studied law and economics in order to run his company the way he wants it, making him an expert in this field. He has seen and learned about prison in ways no normal person has.

"But if the police knows this and keeps it a secret, what makes you think they want to tell us?" Taehyung questions with a frown.

"I have dealed with big negotiations for too long to mess this up. I'll make them talk, even if I to threaten them," Jungkook growls slightly and he rests his elbows on the table. The police knows everything, he just got a feeling. They know exactly who's doing this but they only take action once someone actually dies, fucking pricks.

"Okay, but when we know... are we just giving the money to them?" asks Jimin who's now more interested in the conversation.

"If that's what they want, then yes. I just want them out of our life for good and if that's the only way, so be it," Jungkook states and immedietly stands up, "I'll head there now, this can't wait."

Taehyung and Jimin watch him leave the kitchen in a rush, not even having a chance to ask if they should come with him or not. It's probably better that they don't, Jungkook can handle this just fine, Taehyung knows that at least.

"Dad... when will this stop?" Jimin asks after a few minutes, his eyes locked to the table before him. He's tired. He's tired of it all. He wants to go away, far away from here. Traveling around the world doesn't sound so bad right now.

"I-I don't know Jimin," Taehyung mumbles as he gets up and walks over to sit down beside his son, wrapping an arm around his tensed shoulders. "But it will stop, someday."

"How can you be so sure?" Jimin almost laughts. This is insane, he can't take it much longer. He knows it was wrong to be with Yoongi, but come on! Falling in love shouldn't cause all this trouble.

"I just am. I need you to trust us about this Jimin," Taehyung says. He feels Jimin take a deep breath before he leans into the embrace and they just sit there.

The young male bites his lip as he ones again feels the sting of tears in his eyes. He almost scoofs at himself. So pathetic.

"I hope you're right."


Jungkook sits down with a smirk painting his lips. His arms nicely folded over his chest as he waits for the man before him to start spilling all the information. Jungkook just showed him the number of unfinished cases and half-hearted police work that this station has been doing.

At first, they didn't want to tell Jungkook anything. More like, they said they didn't know anything. Bullshit.

Jungkook called it and started pushing them in just the right spots. This made them unsteady and stuttering messes that later made them bring Jungkook to the guard who apparently knows and does a little too much on the inside of this prison. Jungkook can't help but smile mockingly, knowing he got them wrapped around is little finger.

"I suggest you start speaking up, we don't have all day after all," Jungkook says.

The officer gulps slightly and looks over the papers of all the things Jungkook can use against them. They can't do anything aside from telling him the truth.

"Come on. We are willing to pay this person, whoever it is. We just need to get it over with," Jungkook adds.

The officer nods and intertwines his fingers and places them on the table. Then he starts spilling everything. About Yoongi, about the guy who killed Yoongi, about the prisoners who apparently listen to one certain inmate who runs the entire thing. That also being the man Yoongi got messed up with.

Apparently, this inmate wants the money to run some sort of drug empire inside prison, considering he's never getting out again. He's on death row, but probably won't be executed until some years from now.

Jungkook just smirks the entire time, extremely satisfied with the fact that he actually got to optain all of this information. It was easier than he thought it would be, but he isn't complaining. He can't wait to get this finished once and for all.

His smirk is wiped off his face immedietly though when he hears the name of the person who is so desprate for money that he's threatening Jimin this badly.

Jungkook looks stunned at the man as he hears the name he knows a little too well.


ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now