Chapter 27

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Jungkook feels his hands tighten strongly around the wheel of his BMW super car as he drives down the final road before their house. His mind is totally blank, leaving him to almost lose control of the vehicle numerous times.

Being at the station was... an interesting thing, but not a thing he enjoyed at the end to be honest. When he heard that name, it was like he lost control of everything he had thought in his head.

He payed the money right away.

Taehyung is probably going to question that and Jimin might even get mad that Jungkook made a decision just like that. But he doesn't care. He needed that bastard out of their live, no matter the amount of money. The snitchy police officer agreed to give the money and assured Jungkook they wouldn't get trouble anymore. Maybe, those guys behind bars are extreme criminals, but if there's one thing that environment does, it's keep a promise. Their promise was to leave the Jeons alone if they payed the money.

Jungkook sighs as he heads into their driveway and parks the car. He stays in there for a second. He doesn't know how to tell the others this, especially not Taehyung. After a minute of being lost, he leaves the car and heads inside. As expected, Taehyung is still in the kitchen, waiting for him. It seems like Jimin went to his room.

Taehyung drops his phone that kept him occupied and stands up at Jungkook's arrival.

"Did you solve it?" he asks desperatly.

"Yes. Yes, I did," Jungkook nods and takes a deep breath. He can't say it. Not here, not now. Taehyung seems to relax a little in relief at that.

"Then... who was it?" the elder asks and walks over to his tense husband. He gently places his hand on Jungkook's bicep and squeezes it.

Jungkook shrugs, "no one, I payed the money. We won't be bothered anymore."

"You payed the- just like that? It can't have been nobody," Taehyung presses on, his hand falling back by his side as Jungkook walks away to place his keys and some files from the police on the table.

"Yeah, I don't want to deal with it anymore. Paying there was easier," the younger reasons. He tries to sound convincing, but it isn't going very well. Not to mention that years in the same house with Taehyung makes it almost impossible for Jungkook to lie to him. He reads him like an open book.

"Tell the truth," Taehyung says, now with a frown. It's weird how the other is being so secret about it. This has caused them trouble for so long, he has the right to know.

"It is the truth."

"No, it's not. I'm not stupid Jungkook," Taehyung snaps, now anger showing from him. Jungkook sighs.

"I dealed with it so just leave it at that. It doesn't matter who did it when they won't bother us anymore."

"Oh, so you do know who it is?" Taehyung crosses his arms over his chest.

"Tae, it's not important," Jungkook looks at the other with stern eyes, giving a look that says I'm-not-budging but Taehyung was having none of it.

"Not important? How can the person who has been a part of bringing our child through literal hell, not be important? Are you delusional?" he almost laughts mockinly at Jungkook's narrow-minded thoughts.

The younger turns and is about to roll his eyes. But he wants to live, so he refrains from doing so.

"I'm telling you to trust me on this one, okay?" Jungkook snaps back. He knows telling the truth will push Taehyung's mental health back in a horrible state. He doesn't want that.

"Why is it that you won't trust me and just say it?" Taehyung fires back, "this is not something to take lightly, we have all been through this therefore it's our right to know too-" he rambles on.

Jungkook feels his mood getting ruined more than it already is. He doesn't want to get mad, but he can't help but feel his chest tighten and body clenching.

"I thought we were past this, we agreed to-"

"Kim Joon Tae," Jungkook says and looks at the male before him who immedietly freezes at the familiar name.

A name he hasn't heard in years, lucky for that. It's the name of the man that ruined Taehyung and his life, kept him under his control for countless of years.

Kim Joon Tae. The discusting father of Kim Taehyung, a man who got behind bars for life and even got death sentence for abusing not only his own son, but also countless men and woman, not to mention a range of kids, murdering someone too. Discusting can't even describe him fully.

"W-What?" Taehyung stutters out after a few seconds of being totally dumbfounded.

"Kim Joon Tae is the one who threatened Yoongi. He's even the one who said Yoongi should try out on Jimin. Yoongi was evil right from the start, but not because he wanted to be... simply because he got forced to do it," Jungkook states. He hates himself for not holding it back.

"Who's Kim Joon Tae?" a new voice suddenly appears. Jimin stands in the doorway and looks with frightened and concerned eyes at his fathers. Taehyung looks at him. Then at Jungkook. Then at Jimin again.

His father once again took control of him. Of his family and his life. Taehyung feels how his heart starts beating faster, his mouth opening helplessly to try and form words. That's not the worst though.

The fear is the worst. It's a type of fear he didn't think he would ever feel again. Trauma. He can't... he can't be captured in the claws of his father again. He just can't.

"Taehyung!?" Jungkook immedietly spots the other's state and rushes to him just in time to catch him from falling towards the floor. The elder has passed out completely, now lying totally limp in his husband's arms.

"Dad!?" Jimin runs over to him too and supports the other side, "what's happening?"

"I-It's okay, it's just a panic attack," Jungkook says and quickly hocks his arms under the brunette's legs and back.

"Just a panic attack?" Jimin spits sarcastically. He doesn't remember a time where Taehyung has gotten a panic attack or passing out for that matter. It's scary.

"Just... let's get him to bed. Grab some water," Jungkook instructs as he starts lifting Taehyung out of the kitchen and up the starts. Jimin quickly obeys and rushes after them.

He does know Taehyung had a rough childhood and teen life, but getting a panic attack so suddenly from the mare mention of a name? This is some serious shit.

Jungkook places Taehyung on the bed and quickly gets him out of his tight clothes before pulling the blanket over him. He didn't think he would ever have to deal with Taehyung like this again.

"What happened? Who's Kim Joon Tae?" Jimin jumps to the question as he places the water on the night table before looking down at his father. Jungkook takes a deep breath.

"It's your grandfather."

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now