Chapter 3

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Writing this and soft alpha at the same time is amazing, I'm so glad I got to start these books. Sorry if it's going a little slow here in the beginning, I don't want to rush it. Thanks for reading so far!<3


"I'm going to Hoseok's place, probably won't be home until tomorrow," Jimin states as he walks through the kitchen, quickly sending a message to the said male. 

"Sure, be careful alright?" Taehyung says. Jimin hums and walks out to grab his black-leather jacket and sneakers.

Jungkook is sitting by the dinnertable with his computer, going through some work. It's just a calm day like any other, leaving Taehyung to just relax and drink some water. He takes a gulp of it and looks down at himself. 

"Want to go work out today?" he asks and sips some more. Jungkook looks up at him over his square glasses with a small frown, it's been a while since Taehyung has requested that.

"Since when have you wanted to work out?" he questions.

"Since I started gaining weight, you know this," Taehyung chuckles. Jungkook shakes his head and shuts his computer down, he was done with work anyway. This particular topic has been up way to many times for his liking.

He takes off his glasses and makes his way over to the elder, caging him between his arms against the counter. his heads tilts and he looks at the other with sceptical eyes.

"You're not getting fat Tae," he states.

"But have you seen this? I'm only 33, it's not supposed to go this fast-"

"Actually, you're very fit for your age babe, you know that," Jungkook cuts him off. Taehyung sighs and pouts. He knows he shouldn't be complaining because he does have a nice body, he just doesn't like seeing it change like this.

"I still want to fix it though..." he mumbles. 

Jungkook chuckles and smirks, letting his hand sneak up underneath Taehyung's shirt and care for his soft tummy. It's adorable and Jungkook loves every bit of it.

"There's nothing to fix, I love it this way," he says before leaning in a capturing Taehyung's lips. The elder hums and wraps his arms around Jungkook's neck, fiddling a little with his hair.

They pull back and press their foreheads together.

"Want to go swimming instead? The weather is so nice today, we could go to the lake?" Taehyung asks and earns a peck. 

"Sure, I'll just send a few more mails, you can go get ready," Jungkook says as he pulls back. He gently pats Taehyung's butt as the elder walks towards the door.

"Stop it-"

Jungkook smacks him hard.


"Sorry," the raven giggles even though he isn't feeling guilty at all.


"And there will even be... kind of like a haunted house in the basement, I think it's going to be awesome!" Hoseok smiles brightly as he talks about the upcoming festival. "What's your class doing for the events?"

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now