Chapter 29

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"Seriously, I'm going to fucking kill that man if the prison doesn't get their shit together and does it before me," Jin says as he angrily places the food on the table, slightly startling the people around him.

"The problem is, I don't think you're lying," Namjoon deadpans, a tired Eunjin resting on his shoulder. The small girl is already growing fast, she's turning a year in not long. She ate before the Jeons arrived at their house so she doesn't have to eat with them.

"Damn right I'm not," Jin huffs and walks back out in the kitchen to get the rest for the dinner.

"Well, can't help but agree with him," Jungkook mumbles while filling up his plate. Taehyung sighs and nods his head slightly. He's glad to have family and friends that are on his side no matter what.

Kim Joon Tae is not a part of his family. He has never been and he never will be. Hopefully he'll rot in prison for way longer before he has to get executed.

"I don't remember him at all. I'm grateful for that," Jimin says. He hates that a person he doesn't even know is fucking up his life so badly. Talk about holding a grudge. What freaks Jimin out is that Kim Joon Tae knows who he is, where he lives and where he goes to school. Otherwise, he couldn't have made Jimin the target for Yoongi. It's creepy.

"Yeah, luckily he's behind bars. I can't even imagine what would have happened if Jungkook and Taehyung hadn't met," Namjoon points out. He barely knew them back then, but Jin told him a lot and he did notice that Taehyung was looking sicker and sicker every time he went to the diner Namjoon used to work at.

"I would probably still be raped daily if that was the case," Taehyung mumbles and closes his eyes for a second. He had pushed his father and past life to the back of his head, now it's just a headache back there. It sucks.

"Let's not think too much about it okay, we are finally out of trouble. Our life will be normal again," Jungkook cuts in just when Jin enters the dining room again. He places the food down and walks over to Namjoon. The younger slowly lifts Eunji from his shoulder and let's Jin lift the small girl away so she can sleep while they eat.

"That's true, but if you guys ever need anything, you know where we are," Namjoon confirms and the Jeons gratefully give him nods of agreement.

The night goes on rather calmly and they get the topic away from Taehyung's dad pretty quickly. They talk about Jimin and Hoseok, but also about how raising Eunji is going.

After about three hours, the Jeons travel back home and goes straight to bed.


"I mean, I'm not complaining," Hoseok says after explaining how much money he'll get in compensation from the assult. He has healed a lot and is almost back to functioning perfectly fine in his every day life. Still, he has some post-injury struggles, like pain in certain parts of his stomach and skin that hasn't healed well and is itchy. But all in all, he's doing good.

Jimin went over to his apartment today. Yes, Hoseok moved into an apartment close to school. He doesn't hate living at home, but his father got a job in another city so they have to move. Hoseok chose to stay here, considering he isn't done with school yet and he wants to be close to Jimin.

His parents were understanding, he is reaching the age of moving away from home anyway. He has promised to visit his parents as often as possible, so there are no problems there.

Jimin is actually really happy about this. They can spend way more time together hopefully and he can get away from home once in a while. Don't get him wrong, Jungkook is still hocked on his back, but maybe their arguments can come to a minimum if he isn't home 24/7.

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now