Chapter 4

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"Are you still mad?"

"What do you think?"

"Please Jiminie, I still love you so much I just need a little more time. Don't be mad..." Hoseok pouts as he sits in the kitchen at the Jeon resident.

It's been a few days and Jimin has been in a bad mode. It's morning and they are about to head to school soon.

The day of the festival has finally arrived, but since Jungkook has to hurry to work this morning, Jimin had to ask Hoseok to drive him.

Jimin is excited for the day even though he won't admit it. But wasting a school day on a festival is a plus for everyone, so he's secretly happy.

Hoseok has been so busy with it, so he's glad that it's finally going to be over now.

"I just don't get why... before we got together, hell even before me and Yoongi, you wanted to do more than kiss. Back then I always stopped you, but now I'm giving you every possibility to do something, and here we are?" Jimin utters frustrated.

Hoseok stands up and grabs around Jimin's waist, almost cooing at his adorable angry face.

"I'm sorry okay... it's just difficult for me right now... I swear I'll tell you soon," the elder assures and gives Jimin a kiss on the lips.

"Okay... we have to go anyway," Jimin says and walks out towards the entrance, still a little pissed.

Hoseok smiles after him the entire time before Jimin is no longer in his sight and then he panics.

Fuck, fuck, fuck how's he gonna tell Jimin? He can't, he's barely a man. What is he even doing?

Don't get him wrong he wants to be intimate and sexual with Jimin, actually it has been his dream for years.

However, he never actually thought it would work out, so now he doesn't know what to do.

He has a secret, one that he can't hide if they are going to have sex together. And this has been more problematic for him lately, therefore he has created more distance between him and Jimin.

He knows he's a prick for keeping it a secret, but he's somewhat insecure about this problem so it's hard for him to blur out.

The worst is that Jimin probably won't think it's a big deal, but it is for Hoseok.

With a sigh he quickly runs out of the kitchen and follows Jimin outside to the car.


Banners and stickers fill up the hallways, there's even a few balloons here and there.

"Wow, you really went all in," Jimin states as they walk hand in hand towards their classes.

"Yeah, I'm kind of proud," Hoseok replies with a smile. He and his art team stayed the entire afternoon yesterday just to prepare for today.

"I'm sure my dads are gonna love it," Jimin sighs. Yes, his parents are coming later, just like most other parents. It's a school festival where family can come and use the stalls every class as put up.

It's gonna be so awkward, but it's not like he can stop his parents from coming. It's been a while since Jungkook went so early to work just so he could come here by noon.

"Welp, this is my stop, I'll see you later," Jimin says and stands on his toes to give Hoseok a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah see you then," the elder pats Jimin's lower back as he enters his class that's indeed setting up a Cafe.

He smiles and walks towards his own room, going to find Hwasa.


Jungkook grunts annoyed when he packs his bag. He's glad he got to finishes the last deals before he had to go, but the ladt client was such a bitch to deal with.

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now