Chapter 32

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Jimin looks at the huge double door before him that leads into the police station. He has been debating for the past hour if he really should do this or not. His parents have been keeping something from him for a reason, but doesn't he have to right to know everything?

With a deep breath and determined mind, he heads inside. There are a lot of officers walking around, some with newly caught criminals and some with crying family members who have probably lost a pet or something.

He walks up to the front desk, seeing an elder woman with glasses by the computer, scribbling on the keyboard like a maniac. The ticking is annoyingly loud, but Jimin ignores it. 

"E-Excuse me?" Jimin asks and the woman finally pays attention to him. She looks over her glasses and gives him a rather skeptical look.

"If it's about some lost guinea pig or hamster, you can walk yourself out of here," she says. Seems like it has been a long day at work for her.

"What? No, it's not anything like that," Jimin replies. This lady must have thought he was a kid or something. Well, he will take that as a compliment for looking young and he will remember that when he grows old.

"I'm here to visit an inmate," he adds and the lady now seems way more interested. 


"Kim Joon Tae," he says. He feels the intense eyes that start staring him down, even from some of the other receptionist that are sitting behind the desk. Is Kim Joon Tae really that known?

"Can I see your ID?" Jimin quickly hands it to her and waits as she writes in his contact info. "A relative?" she adds and Jimin quickly nods. "I feel sorry for you," she hands him some papers, "down the hall and to the left, the officer will bring you to him."

Jimin gives her a small bow before heading in the direction she instructed. He can already feel his heart starting to beat faster for absolutely no reason... it's as if he's going to an exam or something. He has never really prepared himself for this moment, considering he has absolutely nothing to do with his grandfather. 

The hall to the jail, for some reason, seems endless and after what feels like hours (might be a bit of a exaggeration) Jimin finally reaches the destination. He gives the police officer the permit and he's leaded into a room with a lot of seats and windows in-between. 

He has seen places like these on television, but never actually expected to be sitting in one. The chair offered to him doesn't look very inviting, but he sits down nonetheless. He fiddles with his hands uncomfortably as he waits for Kim Joon Tae to be collected. 

What does he look like? How old is he? Is he scary? Jimin has no idea what he should expect, causing a small feeling of regret to fill his system. Maybe this is a stupid idea after all... he doesn't even know what to ask or say. He just... wants something. To know more about his childhood, his father, his mother and even Yoongi. 

After a couple of minutes, the door the the room on the other side of the glass finally opens. In steps a man. He's not very tall but extremely buff for his age. He's seems to be in good shape, but it's hard to miss the wrinkles lingering over his face. Many tattoos are panting his arms with a dark black color and therefore also matching his hair. He looks like a thug... and Jimin isn't very happy about it.

Joon Tae sits down in the chair with a thud and looks at Jimin. The younger immediately gets uncomfortable when he sees a smirk form on his grandfather's dry lips that's surround by a beard.

"Well, well... isn't it the devil child?" he asks in a mocking manner, "what is a kid like you doing here? I thought I made a deal with your father."

ADULT vol. 2 // Taekook/Jihope/Namjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now