✰ chapter fifty one ✰

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the song comes on later in the chapter.
when i woke in the morning the pain between my thighs was unmistakable. fred was asleep beside me, laying on his stomach with his arms spread out. i puked myself from the covers and walked into the bathroom, grabbing my clothes on the way.

i turned on the shower, twisting the bob so that the water would be steaming hot. i stepped in and took a quick shower, washing my dark hair as well. when i finished i pulled on a pair of loose jeans with rips on the knees and a black cropped short sleeve turtle neck.

i stepped out of the bathroom and fred sat in the bed, shirtless, reading a piece of paper. his eyebrows were furrowed and his jaw clenched as his eyes scanned the page.

"everything alright love?" at the sound of my voice he slammed the paper upside down on the bed and gave me a smile. i glanced down at the page for a moment before he spoke.

"fine, just some business stuff. where you headed?" he looked down at my outfit in confusion.

"i'm meeting perc for lunch."

"percy? what the hell are you doing with that git?"

"we're just chatting. i'll see you later." i walked over and kissed him gently, holding his biceps as i did. i picked up my wand and left the room before he could argue. i didn't want to fight with his this early.

as i passed george's door i could hear the sound of his snores. they were louder than anyone i had ever met and i wondered how i ever slept in the same room as him.

i walked down the staircase and out the front door of the shop, locking the door behind me. it was a beautiful day, clear skies, the sun shining and the perfect temperature. i made sure to lock the door behind me and i ventured into diagon alley.

i walked down further south where a small cafe filled with witches and wizards were. a head of curly red hair caught my attention and i made a line in that direction.

"hey hey weasley!" i teased catching percys attention. he spun around in his chair, standing up and pulling me into a hug.

"oh it's so good to see someone i know."

"what does that mean?" i laughed, sitting in the chair opposite him. there were menus in front of both of us as well as glasses and a jug of water.

"the only person i see away from work is oliver," he blushed.


"he um, he let me move in with him, till i find something."

"that's nice of him. you can always come see us, and the rest of your family," i tried.

"lyra," he said sternly.

"i know, i know." we spoke over our breakfast, catching up on the things we had done and what we planned on doing. something about percy was soothing, i think it was because he was a change from his chaotic younger siblings.

i told him that i would be spending the summer with the malfoy and straight away he voiced his concerns. i understood why everyone was so worried but i don't think they'd do anything to me.

i made sure not to mention that it was the orders idea and i said it was just to spend some family time. he didn't fight me but his face showed his disapproval. the ministry of course wasn't what he thought it would be, he asked me about my career choices and i told him about becoming a healer.

he was overjoyed that i was taking a practical job unlike the rest of his family, praising me in my decision. i wouldn't find out if i could even start working until i got my newts back. percy made me feel more grown up, he had always had looked out for me in different ways than his brothers. the rest of them physically looked out for me and gave me fun experiences but percy made sure i understood what was happing around me, how life worked, a bit like remus.

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