✰ chapter fifty ✰

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i shot out of the bed at the sound of glass shattering. at first i thought it was one of the boys down in the shop but it wasn't until i heard terrified screams out of the window i panicked.

i peeked out the window as black streaks of smoke flew past. i knew exactly what it was and i burst out of the bedroom and ran towards the store downstairs. i met with fred towards the bottom of the staircase, him coming to get me.

we grabbed our wands and opened the door to the shop, the death eaters now gone. people were still screaming and running around while buildings fell apart and glass was being stamped on. i let go of fred's hand and walked towards the left where i saw a small boy standing alone in the street crying.

i kneeled down so that we were at the same height and i pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back.

"hey mate," george said kneeling beside me.

"hi," he mumbled into my shoulder.

"did you come with your parents?"

"just me ma." that sentence made his scottish accent clear as day.

"that's ok, we'll find her." i stood up and held his hand, walking away from the stores and down the street.

"michael! michael!" a voice shouted. there stood a frail woman with dark hair running towards us. she pulled him into a hug and then turned to us. "thank you so much."

something about her was familiar and i knew i had seen her somewhere but before i could ask george told her it's best to go home and she did.

"i know her," i mumbled.

"you've probably just seen her around here," he assured me and walked back over to the stores. i walked to the first store i saw and helped an elderly man repair the front of his store with spells.
once everything had calmed down the boys and i went back to the store, fred pulling me into a hug.

"we best get to mum before she hears the news." i washed the dirt and dust of my hands then held fred's as we apparated to grimmauld place.

"oh thank god!" she shouted the moment she saw the three of us. "we thought you were dead, my god."

"can't kill us that easily mum," fred joked.

"it is not the time for jokes, she smacked him.

"lyra dear, you're alright?"

"i'm fine mrs weasley. is remus or dad here?"

"they should be upstairs, come now you two." she dragged the twins out to the dining room.

"hey re, hey dad," i said walking into his bedroom. sometimes it was weird to call sirius my dad seeing as i hadn't for so many years. a few times i would forget and call remus dad but nothing ever permanent.

"hi ly." dad lay on his bed throwing a ball like a bored teenager and remus sat in the armchair watching him.

"the boys and i just wanted to make sure you all knew we were safe."

"we saw you yesterday, i'm sure the shop can't burn down that quickly," re laughed.

"you don't know?"

"know what?" they both asked in unison.

"there were death eaters in diagon alley, destroyed the shops."

"what do you-"

"black! lupin!" mad-eye shouted from downstairs. we all walked into the kitchen together, me sitting on fred's lap because all the chairs were full.

Stars || Fred Weasleyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें