✰ chapter thirty seven ✰

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there was exactly two days left before christmas and i was packing my trunk to go to the manor. narcissa practically forced remus to let me stay at the manor more than just christmas afternoon.

i understood that the malfoys are my blood family, but the weasleys and remus have been my real family my whole life. fred of course was quiet about the whole ordeal but i knew what he was thinking. my dad would be thinking the exact same thing but molly, remus and kingsley thought it was best.

fred sat with a pout on the other side of the bed, watching me fold my clothes. we were all still in our pyjamas from the previous night. george sat on his own bed trying to charm a sweet with a spell he had invented. at the sound of a loud sigh i pulled my eyes up to meet fred's.

"can i help you freddie?"

"yes. you can unpack and stay with me and georgie." i let the corners of my mouth perk up into a smile and i leaned forward to press a sweet kiss to his lips.

"you know why i'm going."

"doesn't mean i can't put up a fight." i pulled out one of my jeans and neatly folded it, placing it in my trunk. i pulled the lid of it closed and i pulled it from the bed.

"it's two days fred. i'm sure you can manage. remember when you ignored me for two days, just because i kissed cedric." i crawled under the covers and cuddled up to him. his skin was hot in comparison from the cold night.

snow was falling and i could see the layers of it piling on the earth through the window beside the bed. fred pulled me closer to his body and i let my hands guide themselves up to his ginger hair.

"i ignored you because you're a traitor. and now you're leaving me again," his eyebrows furrowed.

"georgie how do you feel about me leaving?" i called out to his identical brother.

"can you burn their house down?"


"maybe you should put spiders into malfoy's bed," fred suggested.

"or maybe you could slip a few dungbombs his way."

"i'm not doing anything to him. when you both come back to school you can. and you both better come back to school," i added giving fred a stern look. suddenly there was two loud bangs on the door, followed by ron announcing its breakfast time. i dragged myself and the twins out of the bedroom at instead, slouched over the dining table.

"lyra dear, what time do you plan on going?" molly asked, pouring remus another cup of coffee.

"i was thinking a bit after breakfast."

"what?" both fred and my dads heads shot up.

"sirius," remus warned.

"you said lunch," ginny said sadly.

"you guys act as if i'm going to die."

"i mean, you never know with them." ron grumbled while he shoved another spoonful into his mouth. you

"oh relax, it's just a few days. i'll write the second i get there." fred didn't say anything but he slipped his hand into my own. i gave it a small squeeze and i shifted my legs so that they could gently rest against his.

when it was time for me to leave i hugged everyone goodbye. i gave my uncle and my dad kisses on their cheeks until the only other person in the room was fred. he pulled me into a bone crushing hug and we stood there for almost two minutes.

"please be careful for me," he couldn't even hide his frown, ignoring our family sitting around us

"i promise i'll be careful." i rose to my tiptoes and pulled him in for a kiss.

they managed to fit so perfectly with each others and both of us always struggled to pull away. he pulled me in for a second bear hug before pulling away.

i stepped into the fireplace with my trunk and i squeezed my eyes shut. when they re opened i was met with marble walls. the house was noticeable colder than grimmauld place and i was met with silence.

"hello?" my voice echoed through the halls yet there was no response. i walked into the main hall and past the grand staircase into the kitchen. a few house elves were working on the stove or pulling things from the shelves.

"lyra dear, put that down come in." i let the trunk rest on the floor and i gave her a hug. "elf! take her things to her room," she ordered one of the small elves.

"is draco home?"

"he has spent the morning in his bedroom. perhaps you could motivate him to leave." i turned back to the hall and climbed the giant staircase. when i reached the top i sucked in heavy breaths of hair, trying to catch my breath. i walked down to where his bedroom door was and i knocked twice.

"mother i told you that i have some studying today!" he shouted, thinking i was narcissa. i pushed open the door and walked in, laying my body across his large king sized bed.

"good thing it's me." he shot up out of his chair, not realising i had walked inside. he had a small smile on his face and he pulled me in for a hug. like his mother, it was stiff and less inviting than others.

his bedroom matched the house, his bedsheets were black, his furniture, curtains and even the floor. his curtains were open, allowing the sunlight to fill the room.

"when did you arrive?"

"just then. do you know which room i'm in?" i had stayed in about six different rooms over the years and i often walked into the wrong one.

"same one as last time. i'll come find you soon," he said following me out the door of his room. once i was in my own room, my clothes were all sorted away and the dress i had bought hung beside them. the desk leaning against the wall had a small stack of papers with a quill and ink pot beside it.

i sat down in the black chair, picking up the quill and pulling a paper off the stack. i promised to write to fred which i intended to keep.

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