✰ chapter twenty four ✰

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sirius had began writing to harry and i everyday. i also made sure i didn't tell remus anything more about cedric. i was sitting in the library with the twins studying for our owls. they both sat, leaving a large distance between us and often glanced at each other.

"what is it with you two? what are you not telling me?" i whispered angrily.

"oh nothing, how could we keep a secret and not tell you." fred said rolling his eyes.

"excuse me?" i said turning to george for answers.

"we had to find out from someone else-"

"you're dating cedric diggory!" fred interrupted. madam pince shot daggers at us, warning us to be quiet.

"who told you?"

"it doesn't matter. what matters is it wasn't you," george grumbled with a frown.

"why is this such a big deal? normally you never care who i talk to."

"you could have at least told us!" fred shouted at me.

"gred relax," george scolded his identical brother

"i was going to tell you, but i know you don't get along."

"weasley! black! out of my library!" madam pince ushered us out and we just stared at each other in the hallway.

"oh course i would have told you. i know you and cedric don't exactly get along so i was just going to wait."

"we are your best friends," george crossed his arms over his chest matching his brother.

"and i love you so much. please, no more fighting." george's frown softened but fred looked like he was in pain.

"don't come crying to me when you break up," fred said storming away. george glanced at me before following him. in transfiguration i sat with angelina and the twins didn't talk to me once. halfway through the lesson a small paper bird landed in front of me unfolding.

back away from cedric

i turned around from where the letter came from where i saw two ravenclaw's.

"it's from cho chang. she threatened us to make sure we gave it to you." one of the girls said with a chuckle. angelina and i looked at each other absolutely confused.

"psycho ex girlfriend?" she asked.

"psycho wish she was the girlfriend," i giggled. when angelina and i walked to lunch cho stood outside the great hall.


"i just came to tell you to stay away from cedric."

"excuse me?" i asked scoffing.

"you heard me," she said turning away. angelina looked at me before bursting out laughing. she clutched her stomach struggling to breath.

"looks like you're going to have some fun." when we sat down i turned to hermione telling her about cho.

"don't let harry hear you. he quite likes her," she said in a hushed tone. i knew that she had noticed the twins and i haven't spoken but she decided not to ask.

"how is everything going with krum?"

"he's like a love sick puppy. he's very polite but he's just a bit to much. cedric?" she asked. i smiled at her and she understood straight away.

"the twins aren't happy. it made it worse they didn't find out from me."

"why didn't you tell them?"

"i was scared. i didn't know what they would do," i sighed. after lunch i had another study period but i decided on seeing cedric. we were sitting in his dorm going over our defence against the dark arts work.

"the twins are mad," i said resting my head on his shoulder.

"they'll come around. they love you." he said running his fingers through my hair.

"i don't know. fred's really angry."

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