✰ chapter fifty two ✰

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uhh sorry for not updating for like a month.

1257 words
once we were around the corner from the dining room we were met with lucius. his hair was slicked back as usual and his clothes consisted of his usual black suit with a cloak which practically looked like a cape.

"good to see you've chosen your side" he said with a cocky grin. it wasn't like when fred did it, it was unnerving and made me uncomfortable. he guided us through the house to the dining room where i noticed the long table wasn't empty.

a woman with dark black curly hair sat there, a wicked smile on her face. i knew who she was. everyone knew who she was.

i swallowed nervously and leaned slightly closer to draco, who stood stiffly beside me. her skin was pale, almost sickly and she was worryingly skinny.

"bella, this is lyra." narcissa had said looking at me. she raised from her seat and strutted over to me. her walk alone made her look powerful.

"hm, quite beautiful. does she not remind you of malia, narcissa."

"that's my mother," i said firmly, not cowering away from her.

"ma- i don't believe it. did our dear cousin sirius not tell me about my own niece."

something about the way she talked about my parents struck a nerve. i couldn't help letting a small, bitter chuckle out of my mouth.

"maybe there's a reason for that."

her gaze dropped down to me, her head tilting to the side and eyes opening wide, looking crazy. draco stepped in front of me instantly, blocking my view of the dark haired woman.

"she's only joking aunt. lyra is quite the jokester." she pulled her gaze away from me and to draco, believing the boy.

"if only i could've been there when you were a girl," she said as she turned and sat back down.

"yes," i lied.

"you would have turned out much better had i raised you. not that you didn't do well sister. the dog, on the other hand."

"he's not a dog and he did a perfectly good job at raising me," i hissed through gritted teeth.

"my oh my, seemed to have hit a nerve," bellatrix laughed. narcissa instructed us to sit down and in walked house-elves carrying trays of food. one was placed in front of me and the lid was removed to reveal a stake surrounded by greens and gravy.

it looked like something you would find at a five-star restaurant, but what less could you expect at the manor. there was some small talk during the meal and draco and i were dismissed at the end so that they could speak.

he guided me up the staircase silently and the distant sound of bellatrix cackling filled the space. it wasn't until we were back in my room and the door was shut that draco spoke.

"you need to leave. now."

"what are you on about. that was a perfectly civilised dinner."

"you almost pounced on her when she spoke of professor lupin," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "what are you planning?"

"nothing, it's simply a matter of my security. would you not belive I'm less likely to be attacked living here rather than with the twins or the weasleys." i made sure not to mention grimmauld place to him.

"just, don't be alone with her," he surrendered. i nodded and ushered his out the door, hoping to be able to get to bed early.

the next morning i was awoken by narcissa pulling the curtains open and calling for me to get out of bed. my sleep was probably the worst i had had in a long time. the coldness from not having free and the silence that usually was hidden by the twins snoring was ear-splitting. i couldn't focus on what she was saying as i sluggishly pulled myself up. something along the lines of leaving for the day was in it.

i changed into a black puff-sleeved mini dress and pulled a tight corset on, around my waist. i matched it with a pair of black doc martins, a muggle brand of shoe. the rain was pouring outside so i pulled on a black coat, trying to fit in with my two aunts down the stairs.

i side apparated with narcissa, against bellatrix's wishes to teach me how to do it on my own. we were in a town, the streets empty because of the heavy rain and nobody around to question us.

"where exactly are we going?" i called out but neither of them answered.

"sissy, you cant do this. he can't be trusted!" bellatrix hissed.

"the dark lord trusts him," narcissa responded.

"the dar- oh i see."

"the dark lords mistaken," bella further pushed. they didn't stop to argue, weaving their way through buildings. at the sound of children laughing we pressed against the walls of a house, bikes flying past us in the rain.

when they were gone we turned the corner to a house, sissy knocking on it. a face peered through the blurred glass before pulling the door open.

"peter pettigrew," i murmured so nobody would hear me. he guided us into the house without saying anything and we approached a room, with one person in it. professor snape sat in a chair, reading the daily prophet.

"run along, wormtail." he flicked his wand and the man was thrown out and the door slammed shut. snape gave me a quick glanced and got out of his seat, turning his back on us. he poured narcissa a glass of some sorts of alcohol as she sat down. everything they said was very vague, trying not to say exactly what was happening.

"he's just a boy," narcissa said sadly. my head shot up and i looked at snape, understanding they were speaking of draco.

perhaps they were finally turning him into a death eater, giving him that disgusting mark on his arm. they never said what it was that had to do with draco, nothing but he had a task to complete. even after snape had made the unbreakable vow to protect him, they didn't say.

snape bid us farewell pretty quickly after that and my aunties and i left, returning to the malfoy manor. i spent the rest of the day just hanging around there. draco was in his own room, doing his own thing so i decided it would be a good idea to write to the twins.

i told them of everything that had happened so far, meeting bellatrix, draco's warning s and even seeing snape. u knew that they would be the ones to tell mad eye of what i was doing here. it was far too dangerous for me to owl him myself.

i was pulled out of my train of thoughts by narcissa's voice, calling me down. i descended the staircase and walked into the lounge area. two women sat beside her and three others sat opposite, bellatrix nowhere in sight.

i recognised the women as the ones from the party on Christmas. thy were the ones who knew of her idea to wed draco and i. they invited me to sit with them and i reluctantly did. everything they said had a hidden meaning, either about my life, draco, the wedding or even children. the moment i saw an opening i excused myself and left, searching for draco.

i can't lie i have a crush on bellatrix.

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