✰ chapter seventeen ✰

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cedric woke me up the next morning and when i looked around his dorm everyone was still asleep.

"morning princess, i thought you might want to get ready." i climbed out of his bed telling him to meet me in the great hall. i walked back to the gryffindor tower quickly throwing on a pair of black jeans and cedric's jumper with my gryffindor scarf on top.

"so where were you last night lyra?" angelina asked.

"didn't you see angie? lyra was with her boyfriend," alicia said hugging me from behind.

"oh shut it. he's not my boyfriend."

"do you want him to be?" angelina asked me.

"i don't know. i like him, but what if he doesn't like me?"

"i don't think you have to worry about that lyra. you slept in his dorm last night." alicia said wrapping a scarf around her neck.

"speaking of cedric, i have to meet him in the great hall. i'll see you guys there." i waved goodbye and walked out of the tower and to the hall. when i walked in only a few people were there and cedric sat at the hufflepuff table picking at his food.

"you have to eat," i said sitting across from him.

"i have to fight a dragon. what on earth do i do?" we spent the next ten minutes planning different ways cedric could fight the dragon. when the hall started filling up with students, we decided that it would be a good idea to start walking to the quidditch pitch. when we got there the stands were filled with a few students from the other schools and cedric guided me to the large tent set up.

"i know you're a gryffindor, princess. but i'd love to have my girl with me?"

"enough with the princess. and yes, i'll be here for you." he slowly leaned down cupping my face, pulling me in for a kiss. it wasn't long, yet it wasn't short but at the sound of laughter we pulled away. the quidditch team minus harry plus lee walked around the corner before we could say anything.

"cedric! you better win." angelina shouted walking over to me.

"i'm planing on it," he replied laughing. they decided on finding seats and fred and george walked around taking bets, leaving cedric and i alone.

"if you don't die diggory, i'll kill you myself." i smiled at him before walking away searching for my friends. i walked past harry wishing him good luck and i joined the girls and lee in the stands.

the canon went off and everybody began cheering the first person to walk out was cedric. everybody went quiet awaiting his first move. before walking out he muttered a spell and pointed at a rock turning it into a dog distracting the dragon.

the dragon walked over to it roaring and cedric ran behind it towards the dragons eggs. when cedric was about four feet away from the nest the dragon turned around and upon seeing the boy flames shot out of its mouth hitting him.

the entire arena began screaming not knowing what was happening but cedric grabbed the golden egg planted in the middle before turning and hiding behind a rock. we were now facing each other and i could see the burns on his skin, he noticed my distraught face and mouthed 'i'm fine' he knew i wanted to help him but i listened. everyone around me noticed and turned to me.

"can i help you with something?" i said meeting the eyes of a ravenclaw. cedric has managed to escape the dragon and get out as everyone cheered.

next fleur, the girl from beauxbatons walked out. she had enchanted the dragon to sleep although her skirt was burnt as the dragon snored. following her, viktor krum who had given the dragon conjunctivitis blinding the dragon. the dragon, unable to see had stepped on its own eggs which meant points were deducted from him.

everybody watched silently as harry, the final contestant walked out. he was a mess, the dragon spotted him within an instant and it took him a few minutes to think of what to do. until finally hermione had had enough and reminded him what to do.

harry was chased out and into the school by the dragon, who had broken it's chains. he returned on his fire bolt and managed to collect the golden egg with a few scratches. everybody waited to see the scores sitting on the edge of their seats.

"in third place, fleur delacour. in second place cedric diggory. and tied for first place, harry potter and viktor krum. everybody was cheering and even some of the slytherins were happy for harry. when harry was safe and the dragon secured, everyone began leaving there seat. i squeezed through the crowd and ran up to cedric pulling him in for a hug. before he could say anything i pulled away and began smacking him.

"what the bloody hell is wrong with you?"

"i told you. if you don't die i'll kill you." i laughed stopping. i grabbed his face and looked at the burn on his cheek.

"excuse me dear, i'm going to have to ask you to leave. mr diggory will be fine," madam pomfrey said addressing his wounds.

"i'll see you later princess," he shouted.

"oh, is that your girlfriend?" i could hear her ask from behind me.

"i wish," he said. i went back to the stands where everyone was waiting with harry holding his egg.

"come on lyra, party in the common room," george said to me.

"i don't know georgie," i trailed off.

"lyra it's one night. harry is your friend," fred said to me harshly. i was taken aback but understood what he was saying. i walked up to the tower with the rest of gryffindor to begin the celebration.

"we knew you wouldn't die harry." george said, everyone was laughing and having a good time.

"loose a leg."

"or an arm."

"pack it in altogether," fred said.

"never!" the twins shouted as harry was hoisted up on their shoulders

"go on harry, what's the clue?" seamus, a boy in harry's year said. harry held the egg up shouting;

"who wants me to open it? you want me to open it?" we all cheered loud waiting to hear what the clue was. harry opened the top and and ear piercing screech came out. everybody was hunched over covering their ears before we heard something from the staircase.

"what the bloody hell was that?" ron said with a frown on his face.

"alright everyone, go back to your knitting. this is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosey sods listening in. " i shouted making everyone turn away.

i sat with the twins, lee and the girls on the couches talking about what they think the clue is. we were the last few people left to go to bed and when alicia yawned we took it as our cue.

"are you coming with us lyra?" fred asked me.

"no, i think i'll just stay in my dorm tonight." i followed the girls back to our dorm and fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.

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