✰ chapter twenty eight ✰

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the morning of school, the house was in a frenzy. the order were worried about harry's safety and molly and my dad were worried about us leaving. nobody knew who the defence against the dark arts teacher was going to be this year but let's hope it's better than last year.

after packing all my things i floated my trunk down the stairs and with everyone else's and slipped my hand into george's. fred was still upstairs with ron so i stayed by george's side.

harry had won his trial and was allowed to come back to school this year. he said dumbledore turned up to help him then left straight away without a word. harry also said that he saw my uncle lucius talking to cornelius fudge.

the adults refused to let us hear anything they were talking about. one night in particular there was a large fight. harry was determined to join the order with sirius' approval but nobody else's. molly and my dad yelled all night and the fight only ended when remus returned to calm them down. the fight continued the next day when the twins wanted to join the order but eventually they got tired of arguing with their mother.

after wishing farewell to the order members we left for the train platform. fred pulled my trunk with his, george pulled ginny's.

"can you always carry my stuff?" i smiled at fred."

"of course my lady." when the train whistle blew, we climbed onto the train and we walked in looking for compartments. the twins and i walked into lee's compartment who surprisingly had no sweets.

"lee!" i shouted.


"we're here too," george grumbled sitting beside lee. i pulled lee into a tight hug before sitting beside fred.

"what? no sweets," fred laughed.

"mum said i can only spend money on hogsmead this year," he grumbled. i pulled some galleons out of my pocket and handed them to him. he accepted them before walking out of the cart to grab some sweets. george followed behind him claiming he had to use the bathroom, winking at fred and i.

"what's up with him?"

"i'm not really sure." fred smiled stretching his legs across the compartment.

"dad's really worried about harry," i frowned resting my head on his shoulder.

"harry's gonna be fine. mum always says, hogwarts the safest place." fred pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear slinging his arm around my shoulders.

"i don't think that's right. harry's third year quirrell, fourth the chamber of secrets. fifth sirius, sixth moody and the triwizard tournament and who knows what's this year."

"that's a fair point. don't worry about him, i'm pretty sure he can't die." i laughed wrapping my arm around his waist. when george walked back in, fred lowered his feet but we stayed in our position.

when we stepped off the train the short first years walked opposite of us, towards hagrid. harry walked beside ginny and their friend neville. following behind them loony lovegood trailed along smiling to herself. the twins, lee and i climbed into a carriage sitting in the same seats as the train.

"where's your brother?" lee asked spotting harry and ginny.

"the little prick is just like percy," fred shook his head grumbling. i gave him a nudge frowning at him.

"prefect. he'll be up our ass all day long," george scoffed. when we pulled up to the castle fred helped me out of the carriage and guided me through the large doors. i spotted cedric walling in with his friends.

"hey you," he smiled poking my side.

"hey," i hugged him before continuing into the hall.

"i didn't see you on the train."

"yeah, i was sitting with the twins and lee." he smiled at me before walking down a seperate isle to the hufflepuff table. i sat between fred and ron who were swatting each other.

"look, it's grubby plank," ginny pointed out the woman sitting at the teachers table.

"what's she doing back here? hagrid can't have left, can he?" harry frowned looking at hermione who sat beside him.

"you don't think he's hurt or anything, do you?" hermione worried.

"i'm sure he's fine," i smiled.

"maybe he's not back yet, from the mission from over the summer." harry said lowering his voice so the other students didn't hear.

"good evening, children. now, we have two changes in staffing this year. we're pleased to welcome back professor grubbly plank, who'll be taking care of magical creatures while professor hagrid is on temporary leave. we also wish to welcome our new defense against the dark arts teacher; professor dolores umbridge. and i'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. now, as usual, our caretaker, mr. filch, has asked me to remind you..."

"it's that umbridge woman!" harry hissed at us while dumbledore spoke.

"who?" hermione and i asked harry in sync.

"she was at my hearing. she works for fudge." dumbledore was interrupted by a small cough before the shirt plump woman dressed in bright pink walked to the front.

"thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. and how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me. i'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

"that's likely," the twins grumbled and i rested my head on fred's shoulder laughing quietly.

"the ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school. progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited." i stared at her in disgust as her toad face had a smile on it.

"thank you, professor umbridge. that really was most illuminating." dumbledore smiled beginning one again.

"what's it mean?"

"it means the ministry's interfering at hogwarts." i tensed at hermione's words and fred's arm snaked around my waist reassuring me.

"i'd like to remind you all that certain products, such as the weasley twins creations are banned and will be confiscated." he said looking at us. fred squeezed me and harry smiled at the boys in awe. after dinner i left the hall with the twins to the gryffindor tower, giving cedric a small smile as i left.

dark mode is the best thing that's happened to wattpad. tell me i'm wrong.

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