✰ chapter thirty three ✰

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after telling draco about his mother's letter to me, i left for the owlery to write back to everyone. i asked remus about visiting and i knew he wouldn't deny but i'm not sure about my dad. i wrote back to narcissa telling her to meet me in hogsmead, not this trip, but the next.

i wandered back down the steps, small flakes of snow falling around me. i watched the twins wander through the halls and i ran up behind them, enlacing my hand with fred's. his head dropped and he smiled at our two hands.

"where we going georgie?" his head snapped, not realising i had joined them.

"just finding a way to piss of toad face."

"ahh, i see you've adopted my name for her," i smiled.

"half of hogwarts are using it." it was almost as if the devil was summoned. we would hear the loud click of her heels round the corner and i felt my body being pushed away from the boys. my right arm grazed the wall and my hand was ripped out of fred's.

"i hope i won't have to remind you again. unless you would like another lesson with me miss black," she said in a sickly sweet voice. i shook my head and continued walking down the hall. once her steps faded away i connected my hand with fred's again.

"we have some of those fireworks we could try out," i mumbled. they both smiled at me and guided us into the gryffindor tower.

on the day of hogsmead i pulled on a pair of black jeans with rips on the knees and added a sweater on top of it. after wishing farewell to my dorm mates i joined up with the boys in the common room.

"you look as gorgeous as ever," he said kissing me. fred held my hand as usual and we made our way down to the little village.

"where do you want to go first?" i asked facing the twins and lee.

"i've got to get mum some tea but you guys go on without me," lee explained.

"i'll go with him," george said before following behind lee but not without turning and winking at fred. i scoffed before turning my body and meeting his eyes.

"i want to take you on a proper date," he said while smiling.

"oh really?" i giggled

"so, lyra. will you go on a date with me?"

"no." i said without hesitation." his smile dropped and his mouth formed an 'o' shape.

"i'm kidding freddie," i laughed hugging him. i slipped my hand back into his and pulled him along the pathway. he pulled open the door to the three broomsticks and held it open for me. i wandered to find a table while he grabbed our drinks from the counter.

"one butterbeer for m'lady."

"thank you very much, kind sir." i lifted up the warm glass and took a small sip from it. "did ron tell you what's going on?"

"no? harry did something again?" he asked sipping his own drink.

"ron and hermione want harry to teach everyone some spells. he's refusing of course."

"won't it just be things we learnt in class?"

"some teachers skip things," i told him. "if they can convince him, they want to meet up next hogsmead."

"knowing them, they'll do it. watch them get caught," he laughed out loud.

"i want us to go as well." he paused a moment before holding my hand across the table.

"only for you. and maybe ginny," he laughed again.

"actually i want to talk to you about the next trip. i'm going to meet up with someone."

"please don't say diggory," he said grumpily. i laughed and gave his hand a soft squeeze.

"draco's mum, my aunt. she wants to meet with me," i paused waiting for him to react. "and spend christmas with them." he sucked in a sharp breath and his eyebrows furrowed.

"but what about us?" he asked sadly. "your dad too."

"i know. that's why i asked if i could go for lunch and spend dinner with all of you."

"did you ask her?"

"no, she reached out to me. i used to go over when i was younger, don't you remember?" he bit his lip and took another sip of his drink.

"you didn't have a choice back then. you want to spend time with the people that look down on us. call us traitors and laugh at us."


"no ly. nevermind, don't worry about us. go spend your time surrounded by all of them. but don't come crawling back to me when they want to to be a death eater."

"freddie! it's spending time with my aunt and having one lunch with them. what's wrong with you?" he paused a moment before standing up.

"do you want me to walk you back to the castle or will you be alright?"

"you're going to leave?"

"do you want me to walk you or not?" my mouth hung open and i could see a few stares from the tables around us. i stood up and began walking and he followed behind me.

"well that was a short trip," i rolled my eyes. one of his steps was two of my own so he now walked beside me.

"ly, you know i want to spend the day with you." i stopped in my tracks and turned to face him with my arms crossed.

"then why are you throwing a hissy fit about me spending two days with them?" i said raising my voice a little louder. he didn't say anything but only stared. "you know i don't like fighting freddie," i said calming down.

he took a step forward and reached his hand out to me. he pushed a strand that was covering my eyes behind my ear and cupped my face. both of our frowns dropped and my heart was in my stomach. i pressed my cheek against his warm palm and the cold turned my skin red.

"love?" i whispered.

"i'm sorry." he learnt down and pressed our foreheads together before pressing our lips together. my hand snaked behind his neck and i moved our lips together.

"oi! that's enough!" george's voice called and we pulled away. i let out a small giggle before taking a step back and glancing at the two other boys.

"oh relax." once george was closer he pushed in front of fred, looking at me.

"lyra, lee and i were wondering. if you find fred hot, does that mean you find me hot?" i burst out laughing and wrapped my arms around his waist. we wandered back into the village and into zonko's.

 we wandered back into the village and into zonko's

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