✰ chapter five ✰

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The twins, Lee, and I were currently waiting in the courtyard, passing time by building snowmen. We were testing how long it would take compared to normal if we took the one-eyed witch secret passage. Most of the students were there, as well as getting their names marked off.

I pulled out my wand and muttered a spell making the snow rise in the shape of balls, flinging themselves at the back of students heads. The four of us burst out laughing at the sight of them fall over or turn around and slap their friends.

"Oi, what are you two doing? Mum gave you money to go to Hogsmeade." Ron, the twin's little brother, said after getting hit by a snowball.

"Oh, we're going," George said.

"Going indeed."

"But your friends are leaving without you," George pointed out the students walking out of the courtyard.

"And you better not go alone." This was typical of the twins, tormenting their brother. I couldn't count all the things we've done to him the last couple of years.

Ron turned around and practically sprinted to Hermione to get away from us. Lee left-back for the castle, deciding to spend his day with a Ravenclaw he had met last week, but Fred, George and I waited for Harry, who we knew would come past. We watched footprints spear in the snow, and we trailed away from the snowmen with the twins in front. They looped their arms between his and dragged his invisible body.

"Guys, let me go," Harry pleaded.

"Clever Harry," Fred said

"But not clever enough," I continued.

"Besides, we've got a better way," George told him.

"Guys, come on, I'm trying to get to Hogsmeade."

"We know," the three of us replied in unison.

"Don't worry," I told him.

"We'll get you there."

"We'll show you a better way."

"If you pipe down," Fred ended. They pulled harry around the corner out of sight and pulled off his cloak.

"Now Harry, come and join the big boys," they said. Fred pulled the map out of his pocket and placed it in Harry's hands.

"What's this rubbish?"

"What's this rubbish? He says," George said, snickering.

"It's the secret to our success. It's a wrench, giving it to you."

"But we've decided your needs are greater than ours," I told him.

"George, if you will," Fred said

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

"Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, are proud to present the Marauder's Map," Harry read out loud.

"We owe them so much."

"Hang on. This is Hogwarts," he pointed out.

"No. Is that really?"

"Dumbledore," I nodded.

"In his study."


"Does that a lot," I pointed out

"So this map shows?" Harry asked.


"Where they are," Fred said.

"What they're doing," I said.

"Every minute."

"Every day."

"Brilliant! Where did you get it?" He exclaimed.

"Nicked it from Filch's office. First-year."

"There are seven secret passageways out of the castle," George showed him.

"We'd recommend this one," we all said, pointing.

"The one-eyed witch passageway leads you to Honeyduke's."

"Hurry. Filch is heading this way," Fred told him.

"And don't forget. When you're done, just give it a tap and say:"

"Mischief managed," we replied in unison.

"Otherwise, anyone can read it," I said. Harry said thank you and walked straight into the castle, not giving a second glance back. The twins and I took a different passage, it was quicker, but you were more likely to be seen.

When we got to Hogsmeade, the first stop as usual was Zonko's to get 'equipment' for our next prank. When we walked into the Three Broomsticks, Lee sat in a booth alone.

"What's the matter with you? Did your girlfriend realise how much of a git you are?" George asked lee.

"Oh, sod off. Who's coming with me to throw snow at people?" George decided to go with him and left Fred and me alone with our butter beers.

"So, Freddie, what are we going to do today?"

"I'm George love," he said, smiling softly.

"Oh, shut up, I know you're Fred, I can tell the difference."

"What? How?"

"That's a secret for another day." We sat for a long time, just making stupid jokes and drinking our Butterbeer.

"Fred? What if he comes back?" he knew who I was talking about. This is the first time I said anything about my Dad to him.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to swap beds with you so if he shows up he's got me to deal with." I let out a small giggle and shook my head. We decided we were just going to get a snack from the kitchens rather than buy something, so we went back up to the castle. As we were walking, we watched Ron and Hermione spring after a pair of footprints, so we followed them. When we arrived, Harry was sitting on a rock with a few stray tears on his cheeks.

"He was their friend and he betrayed them. He was their friend! I hope he finds me. Because when he does, I'm going to be ready! When he does, I'm going to kill him!" Nobody said a word to Harry, I just slipped my fingers into Fred's hand, and he pulled me away towards the castle.


Once we were inside the kitchen, we were warmly greeted by the house elves and Fred lifted me onto a bench, so we were at eye level. Fred was made a cup of hot chocolate and I dipped from a cup of tea, alternating with the biscuits we were sharing. I asked him not to say anything about what Harry said, and he agreed, so we sat in silence drinking and eating.

Fred's pov
Once Lyra and I were finished, we walked together back to the dorms, where I met George on my own. He was laying upside down on his bed with his head hanging off the side. He smiled when I walked in and pointed to the balloons hovering above him.

"George? I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead," he told me, sitting up straight.

"Well, the thing is, well."

"Come on, Freddie, spit it out."

"I, um, I like Lyra."

"Me too, that's why she's our best friend."

For the first time in our lives, George and I weren't on the same page. He was dazedly smiling at me and pulling the balloons down with his wand.

"No George. Not like that."

He stared at me, waiting for me to elaborate. I sighed and stared at him knowingly, throwing my head back when he didn't speak.

"Oh. You fancy her. So go on, then. Ask her on a date, just the two of you."

"That's the thing. I don't think she likes me, reckon she likes Diggory."

"Diggory? Well, then I guess we just have to do something about it, Freddie. I mean, who likes Diggory over Fred Weasley?" I laughed and hugged my brother, thanking him and snatching one of the balloons out of his hand.

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