✰ chapter two ✰

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When classes finally ended, the twins and I happily made our way through the castle for dinner. The hall was filled with loud chatter coming from every end of the space. Dumbledore had given his usual speech before announcing that dinner was ready, making all the food appear in front of us. The Weasley boys launch out of their seats to get food before anyone else could even react to the food appearing. Once everyone had settled and had food on their plates, I raised my hands to smack the back of both twins' heads.

"Honestly, don't you have any manners?"

Hermione scolded Ron further down the table for the same thing, rolling her eyes at me. We filled everyone in on our first days and finished off with our stories from summer. While Lee was talking, I felt the burning stare of someone on my left, I turned to see harry staring at me. I raised an eyebrow, but he wasn't fazed.

"I need to talk," he mouthed. I furrowed my brow eyeing him suspiciously but when he turned to Ron I dropped it.

The common room was busier than normal, students wanting to spend the night together after being separated over the holidays. I sat between Lee and George, Fred playing a game of chess with his brother Ron. Harry was agitated the entire night, shooting me looks the entire time I sat on the couch. Once the common room was practically empty, he pulled me aside, sitting on the seat by the window.

"You know how I left my Aunt and Uncle's house?" He said in a hushed tone.


"Well, when I was walking, just before the Night Bus arrived, I saw a dog. But it wasn't like a dog, it was as if it was a person. And today in Divination we were studying leaf reading or something, and I had something called the Grim. It was the shape of a dog Lyra. Can't you see? This has something to do with Sirius black."

Harry ran a hand through his already messy black hair. His green eyes darted across the room in paranoia and stress, his foot began tapping nervously. He traced his scar with his thumb.

"You need to relax. This is all just circumstantial. The dog on the street was probably just a stray and had come at the sound of you walking and dragging your trunk."

"I guess."

"Did nobody tell you about Trewlany? She does that every year, nothing ever happens to anyone. I don't think she's ever actually predicted anything. I get that you're worried about him, even I am. Not only that, but I didn't even want to come back this year because I was worried he'd come here, but Hogwarts is the safest place for us."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Now, off to bed, you have class tomorrow, and you can't be sleeping in."

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