✰ chapter twenty two ✰

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cedric's pov
i waited in the library for lyra last night but i had to leave when madam pince forced me out. i was waiting in the great hall for her but when she didn't come i asked her friend angelina.

"lyra left the library last night, but i haven't seen her since."

"she didn't sleep in the dorms either. we just thought she was with you." angelina said with a worried face. "you need to go down but i'll look for lyra," she told me wishing me luck and walking away. i took a boat with the rest of the champions which took us out to the middle of the black lake. harry stood beside me tense as i searched the crowd for lyra but i only saw angelina with a sad smile.

"welcome to the second task. last night something was stolen from each of our champions. a treasure of sorts. these four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. in order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. simple enough. except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. after that they'll be on their own." dumbledore said referring to the large clock visible to all the students. my friends stood behind me patting my back wishing me good luck. harry was choking and coughing beside me but at the sound of the canon i dived into the icy water.

i heard a soft sound behind me and turned to see a tail, following it i was guided into an opening. four body's were floating in their school uniforms. harry was below one trying to untie the rope around their leg. there lyra was, floating calmly with her eyes shut looking to relaxed. i shot a spell at her untying the rope and i grabbed her pulling her up to the surface.

lyra's pov
a cold feeling washed over me and my eyes shot open as i gasped for air. cedric's arm was wrapped around my waist holding me up and i was in the black lake.

we swam together to a stand where dumbledore and fleur were. fleur had a worried look on her face and at that moment i realised she didn't have her sister. cedric warped a towel around me kissing the top of my head as hermione and krum reached the top. it had now been at least two minutes since the clock had struck and harry still wasn't back.

"he was there before me, i don't know what's taking so long." cedric said sitting beside me in a matching towel. ron and the little girl had returned without harry both swimming to the stand. suddenly harry shot out of the water, flying towards us and landing with a thud in front of dumbledore.

"attention! attention! the winner is,
mr diggory!" his friends and i all cheered hugging cedric. "for showing unique command of the bubblehead charm. however seeing as mr potter would have finished first had it not been for his determination to rescue no
only mr weasley but the others as well.
we've agreed to award him second place! for outstanding moral fibre." i gave harry a hug as i was leaving and i walked back to the castle with cedric.

"i thought snape killed you," he laughed enlacing our hands.

"well you managed to work out the charm, i thought you were going to die."

"i want to ask you something lyra," he said softly.

"is everything okay?" he took a deep breath before asking.

"will you be my girlfriend?"

"your girlfriend?" he nodded smiling at me. "i would love to." he leaned in, planting a kiss on my lips which i accepted.

i met with harry, ron and hermione the next day to meet my dad in hogsmead. when we got to the cave i had met him in last year i ran up to him and gave him a tight hug.

"hey baby, how are you?" he asked hugging me back just as tight. after everyone had said hello we sat beside buckbeak talking. he told us about where he's been and the three younger students were asking him about barty crouch but i had zoned out.

"you ought to be going back. the suns almost down," he pointed out and the three of them hugged him goodbye before leaving.

"so how did everything go with fred and george?" i had wrote to him telling him about the incident between the twins, cedric and i.

"all's forgiven now," i smiled. "cedric asked me to be his girlfriend," i told him.

"his girlfriend? what did you say?" he said with a frown.

"i said yes."

"did you tell remus?"

"not yet, i'm kind of terrified." we talked for another half an hour and i missed dinner. he walked me back to the castle before returning to hogsmead and i went straight to bed.

fred's pov
george and i had looked for lyra all night and all morning. when angelina came and told us cedric had been looking for her that got us even more worried. we asked mcgonagall and she said that she gave lyra a task to do and she would be back soon. george and i continued as normal as we could be without her.

"any bets? any bets?" george shouted as we walked through the crowds.

"come on, place your bets!"

"step up, mates! don't be shy. three lads."

"one lady." i continued

"four go down."

"but do four come up?" forcefully ginny hit our shoulders before scolding us but we just kept going.

once we got to the task there was an hour of waiting, not knowing what was going on. suddenly two heads popped out of the water. it was cedric and lyra. we cheered and george and i gave each other a look which angelina managed to catch.

"he really likes her. but i don't think they're dating yet. better get a move on," she shouted down to us.

they stayed by each others sides for the rest of the night and i didn't see lyra at all.

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