✰ chapter forty five ✰

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"the twins left me with one job ly, one! make sure nothing happens to you, and then you decide to go running around with potter and try to get yourself killed."

"lee, it's my last year. i've gotta have to some fun."

"fred's gonna kill me," his hands covered his face while angelina rubbed his back.

"so, your dad," dean thomas said.

"yeah." after many hours at the ministry explaining what had happened with my dad he was finally a free man. he received many apologies from the minister and was even asked multiple times how he managed to escape, but explaining would only get him thrown back into azkaban.

we were sent back to school but not without lectures from every order member. remus, taking on his parent roll pulled me aside to yell at me himself but was stopped when my dad pulled him away. when we got back to school the other gryffindor's were full of questions but everyone was distracted when dumbledore walked through the doors.

"is it not time for a feast?" he had smiled and walked past everyone into the great hall. i now sat beside lee and hermione with a plates full of food in front of me. toad face had been escorted from the grounds and we all cheered as she yelled at the aurors to keep their hands off of her. hogwarts had been restored to it's full glory and i was glad that this was how i was going to end all my years of schooling.

professor mcgonagall had showed me all the paths ready for me after i leave and my n.e.w.t.s were perfect for getting me a job at st. mungo's. fred and george had the shop almost completely ready and i would be moving in with them, after i break the news to re and my dad. leaving would be weird, i had spent so many years running around the castle with my best friends and now it's likely i'll never see it again.

"so angie, did you decide what you plan to do?"

"maybe a bit of travelling, might try out for some quidditch teams," she answered me.

"you mean you don't have a plan?" hermione asked shocked.

"maybe you and i could do something," lee tried to ask her out.

"um, i mean..." alicia and i were pissing ourselves in our seats.

"your attention please," mcgonagall called from the front of the great hall.

"as we all know, this year wasn't typical. i applaud you all for pushing out until the very end." he smiled at the group of us before waving his hand and we began eating, ron stacking his plate as usual. draco sat at the slytherin table staring at me as one of the girls next to him chatted his ear off. i gave him an appreciative smile for what he had done for us earlier but he stayed stone faced. i looked away from him and listened to hermione and ginny's conversation, not wanting my mood to be ruined on my last night at the castle.

as i picked up a piece of apple pie for dessert, a grey colour stood out in front of me and my hand felt as though it was plunged into a bucket of ice. peeves lay across the table with his face in my hands pouting at me and kicking his feet.

"am i doomed to loneliness?"

"what?" i asked laughing at his demeanor.

"i've had you and the red ones, before that your sweet ole dad. must i wait till you have your own red children?" everyone around me laughed as i stared at him in shock. would i have kids with fred?

"you'll have to wait and see peeves. this just means double trouble now," i smirked. peeves laughed and floated away to the slytherin table where he could cause trouble. of course due to toad face they had one house cup and their banners hung in the great hall above us.

when dinner was finished man of the seventh years sat in the common room talking as a group one last time. i didn't want it so be this sentimental but hogwarts was practically my second home and now i would be moving on with my life. there was of course a bottle of fire whiskey between us and the only way we got to bed in when mcgonagall came to kick us out of the common room, wishing us farewell.

as morning came i sadly packed my trunk side by side with angie, alicia and katie and we walked past the great hall and to where hagrid was waiting with other seventh years. as the rest of the school climbed into the carriages hagrid lead us down the path we came through on our fist day. there, boats rested on the water waiting for us to climb in. an arm wrapped around my shoulder and pulled me into their side, i looked up and cedric was smiling down at me.

"the thing i'm going to miss most is quidditch or the twins glaring at me everyday," he joked.

"hey! hands off. you're in my care until you're back with fred," lee yelled at cedric and i. he pulled his arm off of me and held his hands up jokingly, surrendering to lee. lee climbed into a boat and angie and i sat behind him, holding each others hand. the boats began moving and we were taken down the path we had been through once before. i couldn't help my mind wander to the twins, imagining them sitting beside me instead.

when we reached the end half of the girls and a few of the guys had ended up crying and we left to get on the train. i waved goodbye to hagrid and climbed onto the train, joining my friends in the compartment. after hours on the train we finally reached kings cross station and i stepped off the train and onto the platform, trunk in tow.

remus and my dad stood together, other parents watching worryingly, the twins beside them and the weasley parents beside them. i pulled remus into a hug as harry and my dad hugged one another, then switching.

"how does it feel?"

"to watch my baby leave school or to be at the station?"

"both," i smiled at him.

"like the best feeling in the world. i pulled away and turned to fred with the biggest smile, launching myself into his arms. he lifted me off the ground and peppered my face with kisses.

"merlin, it's been weird without you."

"you are not going anywhere ever again." i kissed him again and pulled away to hug george.

"i delivered her as best as i could. but you know this one, want's to get herself killed." lee spoke through mrs weasley squeezing him as tightly as she could.

"you did a decent enough job," he held my hand and kissed me on the forehead as we began walking away. i smiled at cedric as we passed one another and hugged angie, alicia and katie yet again, promising to write.

it was as if everything made sense.

it was like the puzzle pieces finally fell into place.

it was perfect.

i have school tomorrow for the first time in a long ass time and i know that i'm gonna fight someone.

also i'm pretty sure i'll write smut in the next few chapters

stars || fred weasleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon