✰ chapter thirty one ✰

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when i walked down the steps from the dormitory you could hear loud voices. usually everyone would be at breakfast but when i saw kids heaving over and vomiting i knew what was going on.

"go on, skiving snack boxes." fred's familiar voice was convincing a second year to take one of the sweets from the box. he glanced around nervously before shifting his gaze to george.

"sweets that make you ill, get out of class whenever you like."

"obtain hours of pleasure from unprofitable boredom," i continued crouching in front of him. fred's head shot up at the sound of my voice and he nearly dropped the box he was holding.

"good morning love."

"morning," i hummed handing the boy a sweet. he chewed it cautiously and we watched as his chin grew bigger and bigger. i left the boys, smiling at fred as i walked away to sit beside harry, ron and hermione.

"what's wrong with your hand?" hermione questioned.

"nothing," harry held out his left hand.

"the other hand." he slowly pulled out his hand to show her.

"you've got to tell dumbledore."

"no." he said without hesitating. "dumbledore's got enough on his mind right now. besides, i don't want to give her the satisfaction." harry glanced at my own hand and hermione followed letting out a gasp.

"bloody hell, the woman's torturing you two." ron said spotting my hand as well.

"you have to report this!" hermione said louder.

"it's fine. i'll write to my dad and remus," i compromised. she nodded and began writing ron's essay.

"what are the twins doing?" she said mindlessly"

"testing out some products," i said with a cheesy smile. she gave me a knowing look so i stood up and walked over to the twin boys. "is dean helping you?" i asked noticing him talking to a first year.

"just helping with the convincing. where'd you go this morning?"

"i just left to get dressed."

"oh lyra," george sang walking over. "if i'm not mistaken, you slept in little freddie's bed last night."

"oh shut it george. come on pack this up. everybody in the great hall for breakfast!" i shouted and everybody made their way through the portrait. george walked beside dean and lee and fred slipped his hand into my own, intertwining our fingers.

when we walked into the hall i caught cedric's eye and i gave him a small smile. i knew that people were watching us but i refused to meet anyone else's gaze. i sat beside hermione who lifted my hand to examine it.

"does it hurt?" she asked quietly.

"not as much anymore, don't worry."

after lunch i decided to go up to the owlery to write my letters to remus and my dad. i pulled out my quill and began writing on the blank piece of parchment paper. i made sure to ask about things as well in order to keep them calm, but i knew how this was going to go.

dear dad,

it's starting to get colder over here, hows it around you guys? i know you can't tell me lot's about the order but how is it. schools different this year.

we rarely see dumbeldore and the new dada teacher is a bit crazy. she refuses to teach us proper spells and when i pointed out how stupid it was she gave me a detention.

it wasn't like other detentions, harry and i both had to write with some kind of quill that used our blood to write on our hands. i'm alright now but do you think it's some kind of dark object? did i mention she works for fudge? harry said she was at his hearing and hermione's starting to get worried about the ministry.

cedric and i decided to break up, we both knew my feelings for fred were a bit too strong. but don't worry, fred and i are really good. i'll spare you the details. i hope that house isn't too small for you, i love you to the moon and back.

love, lyra

i folded the letter and handed it to eddie, my owl and i watched as he flew away. i made my way down the steps and just outside the great hall where students stood and watched the steps.

"what's happening?" i asked slipping my hand into fred's.

"not sure," he pushed me in front of him where i could see. mcgonnagall stood glaring at toad face.

"pardon me, professor. but what exactly are you insinuating?" she said in a sickly sweet tone.

"i am merely requesting that when it comes to my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices."

"so silly of me. it's sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom, minerva." neither of their voices raised and it was sort of terrifying seeing mcgonagall like this. toad face had stepped so that she was stood above mcgonagall.

"not at all dolores. merely your medieval methods," she said joining her.

"i'm sorry dear. but to question my practices, is to question the ministry, and by extension, the minister himself. i am a tolerant woman. but the one thing i will not stand for is disloyalty"

"disloyalty," mcgonagall gasped taking a step down.

"things at hogwarts are worse than i feared. cornelius will want to take immediate action."

after this, toad face was given a higher position at hogwarts but nobody has heard from dumbledore in weeks. he stopped attending dinner and the school was already changing drastically.

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