✰ chapter forty ✰

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the final night at the burrow i lay cuddled up in fred's arms. george was always quick to fall asleep yet his loud snores kept us awake. fred has his eyes closed but he still talked to me as i poked and prodded at his face.

"can i help you?"

"you can actually, you see, i'm exceptionally bored right now and if you could do something that would be fantastic."

"maybe if you were able to pass you apparition test you would be able to go somewhere."

"that was a low blow freddie." he sighed before pulling himself out from under me and stood up. he pulled a jumper over his head and threw on some shoes that matched the colour of his sweatpants.

"you coming or not?" i pushed the covers off of me and slid on my boots that were at the foot of the bed on. i wore fred's quiddich jumper and grey sweatpants however it was snowing so i also wore a snow jacket.

"where are we going?"

"just down the road to the park," he hummed. i stood up and held his hand as we apparated to the playground. when we landed i of course was dizzy and nearly fell over, if not for his arm around my waist. when i finally managed to gather myself together i broke out into a sprint towards the swing set.

i swung my legs, lifting me high into the air with a loud giggle. fred sat down on the swing beside me but he decided not to swing in it.

"you know, this is like the bad version of a broom."

"but i can't fly on a broom, you know that."

"i know. i really should have put on another jumper." he shivered slightly as i began to slow the swing down, letting it rest beside his own.

" he shivered slightly as i began to slow the swing down, letting it rest beside his own

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"school starts in a few days," he trailed off.

"i don't wanna leave dad here again. all of the order are doing things and he just sits at home." i pouted, looking into his eyes.

"well, when georgie and i start our joke shop he can come stay with us."


"i know you don't want to hear about it," he laughed.

the morning we left for the train station my dad gave me the tightest hug. he lifted me off the ground and squeezed me until i couldn't breath with a loud laugh.

"please stay safe. no leaving the house." i instructed him as i pulled away.

"oh don't worry about me. you watch out for those slytherins."

"she doesn't care," george interrupted.

"we've been telling her for years," fred continued.

"they're not so bad," george said with a high pitched voice.

"he's my cousin," fred continued.

"oh shut it." i scoffed and pushed them both out the front door. "i love you!" i called back at my dad.

"i love you more my star."

once we were on the train lee and i sat in our compartment while the twins went around wreaking havoc. he wore the clothes he had received from christmas proudly, getting upset when i mentioned he had never received a weasley jumper.

it was calm at hogwarts, no trolls were running around and as far as we knew, nobody was trying to kill harry. the one thing that didn't belong at hogwarts was toad face and all of her rules. the weeks away from her were practically heaven.

the night bellatrix escaped from azkaban almost the entire castle was shocked with fear. i saw a few slytherins strutting around the castle with smirks including my cousin. i didn't bother to ask whether he knew it was going to happen because the answer worried me.

at lunch when the paper arrived i sat with the twins beside me, reading the front page.

"we have confirmed that 10 high-security prisoners... in the early hours of yesterday evening did escape. and of course, the muggle prime minister has been alerted to the danger." i read out loud so that the twins could hear me.

"we strongly suspect that the breakout was engineered by a man with personal experience in escaping from azkaban... notorious mass murderer sirius black... cousin of escapee bellatrix lestrange." i scoffed and threw the paper on the table, rolling my eyes while a voice from i front of me caught me off guard.

"is there a problem cousin?" draco asked laughing with his friends. before i could respond lee sat down in front of me, blocking draco.

"harry said we're on for tomorrow"

"what time?" the twins both asked their best friend.

"two, he said to try and come early."

"it'll be a good distraction," i sighed.

"it'll be fine, they won't be able to make it into hogwarts," fred reassured me.

"that's what they said about dad, yet here we are."

"well this lot don't want you," george reminded but we dropped the subject when angelina sat beside lee.

i'm sorry this chapter is so late. i did not have the energy to write.

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